Not because it is in trouble, but because it is in trouble and it is leaderless. He was not at the coronation, but that could simply be because he could not face the idea of someone else taking Arthur's throne. Why didn’t Merlin call Kilgharrah at the beginning, BEFORE Arthur died? So many times I dare not count. Uther was alive too long in the series. Five years for us viewers and at least ten years for the Merlin characters were made being superflouse in just one episode when all of a sudden Gwen and Arthur (and the knights, supposingly) accepted magic and Merlin as a sorcerer due to just one single action; which was defeating the Saxons by throwing lightning at them.

Ongard Odin, I have a lot to respond to what you wrote :-D But before I do, would like to post it all again when you're logged in in order to not show your ip address to the world? Now, your points made about magic are some I have never really thought about, but then, let's not forget, magic has been outlawed for a long time, the number of people who practice it is small. I suppose in a similar fashion to what was believed in the post-Roman era (if you believe Gildas), many 21st century Brits have lost faith in our political system and feel the need for a just and effective leader. With rebuilding to do, widows and orphans to provide for and any new soldiers that can be found to be armed, trained, fed, sheltered and paid, the level of taxation can only rise.

True, but that wasn't the Arthur on the show.

Onto the topic of only Merlin and Gaius having evidence of Arthur choosing her as his successor, I think thats more than enough, Gaius is a respected member of the court and was made a freeman by Uther he is well known as an advisor, physician and friend to the crown, he also has alot of contacts from his work, he knows alot of people nobles and otherwise. There's also the question of what limits there are to be to magic use. i dont get it. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

An open end that leaves room for speculation and interpretation is one thing, but an open end that simply doesn't want to deal with all the most likely problems and complications in order to ignore them and to pretend that there is a happy ending when there was not, is another. Sorry, I just found this website and I have no idea how this works. The greatest King of the greatest Kingdom in all the land. So I can only conclude that he's 'special' because he's personally special to Merlin. There really should have been a better reason for the viewers to believe that Arthur's presence will be necessary again one day instead of showing Merlin who had lost sight and was possessed with Arthur only whereas Arthur couldn't really decide what he wanted and what was right or wrong.

Because  why would a man who didn't change much of anything in his first life be OMG so vital that he needs  to return in a time of crisis? Wasn't the story on "Merlin" actually a war on religion too? The reason Arthur did not return was because there was already an "Arthur" around for that time. I hope the writers realise that no matter when they make arthur rise the fans will be waiting for the nest legendary series Neither do those who die at the hands of others in wars and of poverty and diseases, oppression, corruption  and whatnotcaused by others this very second I'm writing here. Once and Future King. Gwen was indeed a great person most of the time but that doesn't mean that other nobles/royals would have accepted her. What are the right questions to ask when seeking out the true spirit of a nation? The time Arthur will be needed is the time when England needs a ruler, a leader, when it is in such a state that only a man as great as Arthur can truly pick up the pieces. Not to mention that it wasn't Arthur who defeated the Saxons and Morgana, but Merlin. I also am confused about the hand in the lake thing, did I miss something a few episodes/seasons ago telling what that was all about? Gwain shouldn't have died.