OTHER NAMES. Herbal medicine uses pansies in various forms such as pansy tea, pansy nectar, pansy infusions, and pansy tincture. Pansy is an herb that grows in the wild all over Europe and North America. Viola, heatsease, heart’s ease, Jack-jump-up, garden violet, love-in-idleness, three faces in a hood, tickle-my-fancy, bird’s eyesWild pansy is native to Eurasia but it is found throughout the world.Wild pansy is an annual or biennial flowering plant with spreading stems.Harvest wild pansy in a sunny and dry morning an inch above ground.To dry viola, lay it on a flat surface in a dark and well-ventilated room or use a dehydrator.Up to .03% salicylic acid and its derivatives, 10% mucilage (35% glucose, 33% galactose, 18% arabinose, 8% rhambnose), 10% saponins, 2.4-4.5% tannins and flavonoids (quercitrin, rutin), anthocyanidin glycosides, caratenoids, coumarins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and hemolytically active peptides.Analgesic, antitussive, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic (disputed), expectorant, laxative, purgative, vulneraryWild Pansy herb (flowers and leaves) is used externally and internally for several skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, impetigo, acne, pruritis, etc.Success!

The pansy plant has been revered for its beauty and medicinal properties since ancient times. The flowers which appear in a great variety of colors, are amazing in their beauty and for many years the herb has been associated with love. They are used to treat a wide array of health problems and diseases.

Pansies are used to treat a number of health problems due to the anti-microbial properties of the phenolic glycosides in the pansy plant along with the antioxidant properties of the flavonoids present.Aside from its medicinal and herbal uses, pansies are also used for decorative purposes and as edible additions to salads.Copyright © 2020 Mac Millan Interactive Communications, does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment..

It is the progenitor of the cultivated pansy, and is therefore sometimes called wild pansy; before the cultivated pansies were developed, "pansy" was an alternativ

There are traces of vitamin C, tannin, and essential oils present in the herb as well. It is recommended that you drink pansy tea half an hour before a meal for the best results.The pansy plant is high in mineral salts mucilage and carotenoids. Contemporary depictions of the brilliantly-hued flower include those in the 1951 Disney classic, “Alice in Wonderland” where a group of pansies made fun of Alice for being a weird-looking weed. Useful Parts of the Plant: Flowers, stem, and roots. Buy Wild Pansy (Violet, Viola Tricolor, Heartsease) Tea (50 Tea Bags, ZIN: 510823) on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders The wild pansy, Viola tricolor, has so many different names: ‘Heartsease’, ‘Love-in-idleness’, ‘Love-lies-bleeding’; and in Welsh ‘Blodeuyn Wyneb Mair’ (Mary’s face), ‘Llysiau’r Drindod’ (Plant of the Trinity), ‘Caru’n Ofer’ (Love in vain).

Countless numbers of folk remedies use pansies as an important ingredient. Please try again. Centuries ago, wild pansy tea was used to strengthen heart muscle and improve the function of cardiovascular system in general.

Wild pansy is graced with diuretic properties. Wild pansy, also known as Johnny Jump up, heartsease, heart's ease, heart's delight, tickle-my-fancy, Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me, come-and-cuddle-me, three faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness, is a common European wild flower, growing as an annual or short-lived perennial.

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The tea is filtered before drinking.

Wild pansy, Viola tricolor, is a lovely small herb herbalists use for skin conditions, respiratory system, veins, joint inflammation and to stop pain. Your e-mail address is safe with us.

Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor) known also as Heartsease or Garden Violet is a common wild annual herb which grows throughout Europe.In North America it is known as Yellow Wild Pansy or Johnny Jump Up. There are several strains and varieties of the pansy plant and the flowers appear in a wide range of colors. Other Names of Pansy: The Pansy plant is also known as Bird's Eyes, Wild Pansy, Heartsease, Johnny-Jump-Ups, Garden Violet, Yellow Wild Pansy, and Love-in-Idleness.

Diuretic properties of wild pansy can assist in treating cystitis.

It also was known as heartsease, Ladies’ delight, Wild Pansy, and Field Pansy. It has been introduced into North America, where it has spread. Viola, heatsease, heart’s ease, Jack-jump-up, garden violet, love-in-idleness, three faces in a hood, tickle-my-fancy, bird’s eyes Similarly pansy tea is made by pouring a cup of hot water over two teaspoons of the herb. Unsubscribe anytime.

Pansy also contains violine, salicylic acid, and cyclotides (that are used in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries). Wild pansy tea is reported to reduce the risks of atherosclerosis and strengthen capillary walls in our body.

Pansy. It eliminates excess water as it stimulates urine.