Covering the best in video gaming. Sergey has been a freelancer in the video games industry for more than five years, writing for various publications around the world. His favorite games are MtG, Dark Souls, Diablo, and Divinity: Original Sin. Sergey doesn't own consoles because a PC is all he needs. Protect yourself as well as you can with the help of these five best armor sets in Dauntless. In our complete In the table below, we'll list out every Dauntless armor set in the entire game. THIS WEEK IN BUSINESS | Epic Games takes on Apple and Google while Microsoft and Facebook wait to pounce, and Halo Infinite's delay shakes console launch plans. You'll start out with nothing but the Recruit's set on you, and you're going to need to head to the armor vendor in Ramsgate to craft any additional armor sets.It's important to remember that all Dauntless armor sets comprise of four pieces in total: your helmet, greaves, gauntlets, and chest piece. See our Hirun Cryer is by far the most juvenile member of USgamer. All four armor items combine to make any of the sets we've detailed above, and when this happens, the full armor set will provide you with the bonuses and weaknesses that we've listed above.But is there a single best armor set in the whole of Dauntless? So, we’re collecting them together in this handy guide to help you get them. In our complete Dauntless armor guide, we're going to be compiling a detailed listing of every single armor set in the game, breaking down if there's one particular best Dauntless armor set, and more. The amount of Dauntless Exotic weapons and armour is currently on the rise, and more sets are appearing in the game. Below you will find five of the best armor sets in Dauntless, which can be acquired at different stages of the Create and upgrade your armour for the edge you need to go toe-to-toe with the mighty and horrible beasts … This comes hours after Apple kicked Fortnite off the App Store. Developed by Phoenix Labs, Dauntless is a brand new free-to-play online monster hunting game released for PC and consoles.

You're going to want to equip the appropriate armor for the job, so for example if you're taking on a strong Blaze monster, equip something like the Embermane armor set.Additionally, basically every armor set in Dauntless is on equal footing when it comes to base damage resistance (with the exception of the Recruit's armor set). Get the best of USG in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletters. Every armor set in the game has a base damage resistance of 100, so there truly isn't one individual armor set in Dauntless that stands head and shoulders above the rest.We mentioned previously that you start out Dauntless with nothing but the Recruit's armor set in your inventory. While all of Dauntless’ armour sets offer various skills and bonuses, there are a few that really stand out from the crowd. Derek Yu says it just needs some extra time to make sure it runs well. He's written for The Guardian, Paste Magazine, and Kotaku, and he likes waking up when the sun rises and roaming the nearby woods with the bears and the wolves. From there, you need to unlock all the additional Dauntless armor sets that we've detailed above, one by one.The only way to unlock a new armor set for crafting is to slay the monster associated with the armor set. News, Reviews, and Guides for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and more! You'll need to complete quests for Katerin, which will, in turn, unlock new monsters for you to track down and slay.Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. This is our full Dauntless armor guide, complete with the detailed Dauntless best armor breakdown, and more.Dauntless armor is going to often dictate whether you're left standing, or completely down and out of the right, after an attack from a monster. The runner will be blindfolded obviously, not the Smash Brothers. Crafting new gear in Dauntless is an important aspect of the game and naturally, both new or existing players will want to know what’s the best gear to craft early on or in the late game for endgame content.