Snow reminds us of our youth and also, despite the disconnect with reality, of Christmas. I agree, it is a lovely time of year :) do you do any winter sports?I envy you, Bethan Morgan.My country has four seasons. As ice crystals continue to stick together, the snowflakes get bigger and heavier and they fall collectively as snow. Tuesday's devastating attacks in Brussels show IS's European network is still at large, despite a year of intensive efforts by security forces to close it down.Scientists are debating whether it's possible to harness the power of gravity for interstellar space travel.Bhasker Solanki photographed commuters on an early morning train from Surat to Mumbai. Question 1: Can snow be dangerous?. In them, they look funny. Despite every adult's concern about an ill-prepared transport network grinding to a halt, we are also wrapped up in the crunch of the snow underfoot, the muffling of distant sounds and the all-encompassing white blanket. I was therefore treat to a lift home on his broad shoulders surveying the glistening landscape under the beauty of a full moon - a magical experience.In my life I'd always wanted to know how it would feel in Winter. Generally, I like snow, esp in December, when I go out with my friends and make Snow man. Despite now being in my 40s, and definitely not wanting to fall over on icy pavements, I still love snow.I seem to recall the first large flakes of snow falling around 11am on Boxing Day 1962, just avoiding a true White Christmas and it just didn't stop. A week or so ago the weather forecast started to tell us that it was going to snow, and as usual, people were split into one of two categories: the first is those who get far too excited and start planning their snowman’s outfit; and the second is those who panic and/or grumble. But it went totally unreported in the newspapers and on the radio, since for security reasons there were neither weather forecasts or weather reports. Why snow is fun.

I can't stomach it.That's true here too, when we have any snow we go crazy! But the worst thing is when snow gets slippery and it is difficult to walk.I agree, I get scared of walking when it is icy! They are looking forward to getting out on Skidoos (snowmobiles), and enjoying the outdoor lifestyle," says Luke Barry, of the Labradorian newspaper. when a lot of snow you can make a snowman. But people do still get snow joy where snow is perennially guaranteed. So, if you still don’t get it; if you go to the top of a snowy hill and ride an inflatable inner tube downhill, that activity is referred to as snow tubing. Can you write a caption for this picture?Think of a number with two digits. Is it possible to say this in a different way?You could rephrase it as: "There's nothing worse than not being able to do anything with the snow after waiting so long for that magical moment when it begins to fall" if you want to avoid the second 'than'. People buy Christmas cards with snow on them, even in parts of the country that do not regularly get festive snow.Christina Rossetti's famous lines, originally for a poem, although better known as the lyrics to a carol, are one of the more notable descriptions of snow:But our sentimental attitude towards snow doesn't go back throughout history. Campaign posters warn women not to inflict smoke on their unborn children.Tuesday's devastating attacks in Brussels show IS's European network is still at large, despite a year of intensive efforts by security forces to close it down. It's easy to forget that we've had some ferociously cold snowy post-war winters, like 1947 and 1963, when the snow-restricted period in the 1990s is so recent. Historians argue about how much of a role the Russian winter played in the defeat of Napoleon in 1812, but the damage it did to the retreating Grande Armee is immortalised in a slew of snowy and brutal paintings. Waking up and pulling back the curtains I was disappointed to see that it was already starting to disappear – and I still had to go into town before I could even think about making my snowman!And then there was the small problem of the mountain of work I had to get through – how could I afford to spend time playing in the snow while I had so much to do?! In winter you can have fun! I love winter! "Weather as a mere inconvenience is relatively new - it used to be a matter of life and death. I think that winter it is great! I lived in North London then and remember, the following day, seeing a driver, trying to get his car through 18" of snow and getting stuck. Mr Eden concedes there might very well be a relationship between snow fascination and snow frequency in the UK. So I have been quite busy. Going back to ancient times, military campaigning often stopped completely in winter. Shoveling snow from the driveway. !...I just wish it happens soon....Unfortunately in my country it often snows. But it's more cooler anf Fun in your own place :(!!! I recognise an element of that in myself. It's a real winter here. Snow reminds us of our youth and also, despite the disconnect with reality, of Christmas. Sadly, none of it stopped us from going to school though!During the first winter of WWII I lived on the north Norfolk coast and that winter was every bit as bad as the susequent 46/47 winter, in respect of low temperatures, heavy snowfall and long duration. Scientists are debating whether it's possible to harness the power of gravity for interstellar space travel. But why do we feel this way about it?Waking up and walking out on a snowy morning, in the UK at least, is a singular feeling. Snow day is a fun day. And between 1650 and 1850 snow would have been a common occurrence in the UK, with 1693 seeing the English Channel frozen, says Mr Penn. Roads are usually very slick during snowstorms. Soldiers have historically looked on snow with dread I think that people who like skiing, skate always wait winter.