Fb Purity and Unfriend finder will notify you when you have been unfriended.

It might take a couple of minutes to half an hour for it to display the alert which is not that good.There are other features of F.B. This is by simply installing the following web extension on your browser and you will be notified whenever someone unfriends you.

There are various ways in which you can see who unfriended you on Facebook.The first method you can do this is by checking your friend list daily to see how many friends you get on your list, thereby knowing if its increasing or decreasing daily.It seems strenuous right? And finding out who’s had enough of seeing your posts in their news feeds is often difficult due to privacy settings.The social media site’s privacy settings mean it’s tricky to determine if you’ve been blocked, unfriended, or if the other user has simply tightened up their profile for everyone.However, there are a couple of ways to see if you have been unfriended or blocked.You can search for a person in your inbox and, if they’re still on Facebook and haven’t blocked you, their profile picture and name will appear under the ‘More People’ heading.When you block someone, they lose the ability to start a Facebook chat with you.If you still have the option to message someone you’re no longer friends with, you haven’t been blocked, but unfriended.However, if the person doesn’t appear on Messenger – fear not – they may have instead left Facebook completely.By scrolling back through your old messages, you may stumble across greyed-out profile pictures labelled Facebook User.These belong to people who used to be Facebook friends with you, but are no longer active members.There is also an app which can let you check who may have deleted you.The app was created by Exeter-based developer Anthony Kuske and is available for free on Android and iOS. This app will show you! Despite the long processes you’ve to pass through before you see this on our platform, But with Chrome extensions like the ones above will definitely make the work easier for you.Though you are not always notified when you have been unfriended on Facebook. As functionality, this app will read and save your Facebook friends list and will compare results each time when the app is executed. There is also a free browser extension for Chrome.The app works by showing you your current list of friends and every time you return it compares the latest version to the saved one.It then informs you who your missing friends are and whether they have deactivated their account, or have deleted you.Billion-year-old meteorites are being auctioned for astronomical pricesAnti-5G group crowdfunds £100,000 to hire superstar lawyer to fight roll-outApple is giving away free AirPods - here's how to get themBetelgeuse star dimming caused by a giant stellar eruptionPrince Harry accuses social media companies of creating 'crisis of hate'Learn how to retrain for a job in health and social careAmazon advert uses N-word to describe colour of shoesMaking adult content on an OnlyFans account helped restart my sex lifeApple is giving away free AirPods – here’s how to get themAnti-5G group crowdfunds £100,000 to hire superstar lawyer to fight roll-outBillion-year-old meteorites are being auctioned for astronomical pricesSunspot the size of Mars turning towards Earth and that could be bad

These are;Unfriend Finder is a super cool chrome browser extension which you can easily get from the chrome store and add it to your browser.The unfriend Finder also has a kind of pop-up notification that will get you notified through a small window when someone unfriends you even you’re too busy to observe the status bar.This particular extension will do well to inform you when a friend on your list deactivates his or her account.Fluff Busting Purity extension is a web browser extension designed to customize the Facebook website’s user interface and add extra functionality, therefore, making your Facebook browsing experience smooth without seeing pop-up ads from facebook on it or seeing contents you regard as irrelevant.One of the amazing features of FB purity that makes it unique and a bit better than the other is that it will allow you see to see the deleted list on Facebook’s homepage itself without opening a different page.Also, Filtering out unwanted phrases and words from your timeline can be made possible through the built-in Text Filter.Let it not look as if I am trying to promote this extension, but seriously speaking, this extension does its job smoothly without crack.Yeah, victory at last. The Unfriend Finder service is available as an Android app on Play Store also. First, some clarifications, since the various statuses on Facebook can be quite a lot to handle. Unfriend Checker is an app available from 2014 with over 20K members. 2K likes. You can customize how to see your friends list and also decide which notifications you want to receive! (FluffBusting) Purity will not instantly display the deleted friends alert. Being deleted or unfriended on Facebook can be a rather unpleasant experience. Who Unfriended Me. How to install/uninstall Unfriend Finder for Facebook (Google Chrome) 1 of 5 NEXT PREV Unfriend Finder is a plugin that lets you see who has unfriended you on Facebook. Whenever someone unfriends you on Facebook, the extension will let you know who unfriended you on Facebook.