I had the facts and I presented them to my ex-landlord and she folded and returned my deposit. Communication was excellent. To view the verified credential of an Expert, click on the “Verified” symbol in the Expert’s profile. My fine is $204. I contacted the Florida Court in Brevard whereI got a speeding ticket by a NY State Trooper on the 23rd, and it is my first offense (although I am only 22 - I've had my license since I was able to). This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. All information, data, and material contained, presented, or provided on TheFreeThoughtProject.com is for educational purposes only. In any kind of incident, I would never plea guilty for the reason list above. If I plea noI received a speeding ticket in Hall County, GA. It never hurts but in reality as far as paying, it is the same. Her information put me in the right direction for action that kept me legal, possible saving me a ton of money in the future. I'm eligible for a no contest plea. She was going 86 in a 70. To view the verified credential of an Expert, click on the “Verified” symbol in the Expert’s profile. This is how you can impeach an officer regarding his/her test.One of the first things a police recruit is ever taught in training is to document EVERYTHING.Thus, this calibration test should be documented by the officer either on the citation that was issued, in his personal notebook, on the logbook, or on the units calibration records.Each tuning fork used for calibration is designed for a particular make/model of radar and/or laser gun and is serialized.A strategy we have shared with clients is to subpoena the tuning fork(s) used during the calibration and check them prior to the trial.Because tuning forks are made from a light aluminum alloy, if dropped, small chips and/or cracks may form, which will impact the accuracy of the tuning fork.If these chips and/or cracks are observed, then while the officer is on the stand, introduce these tuning forks into evidence asking if these were the ones used to calibrate the gun.Once he/she does confirm this you can then introduce into evidence the facts on how this could impact the officer’s calibration test.A Shadow Error occurs when the moving radar’s “Low Doppler” incorrectly locks onto a large metal object like an 18 wheeler in front of the patrol car and adds the speed differential to the opposite lane target vehicle’s speed.Low Doppler is used to determine the patrol vehicles speed. Her husband said she should go and please "no contest" to lower the fee. I got a ticket for 86 mph in a 55 mph. Couldn't have asked for more. But I am very sure that I was only about 70-75 mph I have clean driving record. Is that the case? 7 Simple Steps from a Cop on How to Fight Every Speeding Ticket and Win But the punishment for a "no contest" plea and a "guilty" plea are the same.Generally, if the fine is still charged to you (even if reduced), the insurer will still charge the points for a surcharge because if you are fined, then it means you were speeding (some insurers grant some leeway there so you should check with your own insurance company to determine if you pay any type of fine on the ticket if you will still be assessed a surcharge). (Note: New lidars come with a Technician Certification from the factory. In oregon where i got the ticket the minimum fine is 1000$ and 30-90 days suspendI got a speeding ticket (75 in a 65 upstate NY) July 2010 lost the ticket, just got a reminder saying answer in 15 days or my license is going to be revoked. exp. In this case the Dade County Court sustained a motion to suppress the results of radar units in 80 speeding ticket cases.The court’s opinion stated that the reliability of radar speed measuring devices as used in their present modes and particularly in some cases, has not been established beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt, nor has it met the test of reasonable scientific certainty.District Court in Ohio ruled that it was not possible to establish from the radar results whether the defendant was traveling at 43 mph or whether the Speedgun 8 radar unit was measuring the rotation of the ventilation fan at the sewage pumping station next to the officer’s car.The court also found that the officer was not qualified to operate the radar unit since he did not know the requirements for correct operation of the unit. After a local television reporter showed a house clocked at 28 mph and a palm tree clocked at 86 mph, the story broke nationwide and radar was quickly shown to be less than accurate. This plea on a speeding ticket would amount to a plea of "guilty" to the ticket and you will have to pay the ticket and you will receive the surcharges on your insurance as if you had plead guilty to the ticket.