The sequel to the Steve Martin–led reboot of the This was the first DreamWorks feature to be traditionally animated back in 1998 and was a bigger hit than you probably remember. Despite What You May Have Heard, Annabelle Has Not Escaped Her Museum Display La La Land is one of the best films on Netflix if you're in the mood for a big modern musical. Blue Velvet a deeply unsettling yet mesmerising story about a young man (played by Kyle MacLachlan) who gets caught up in the high drama and high violence life of a singer (played by Isabella Rossellini). A quirky cavalcade of friends and family show up and push Molly toward a change.

The only question, then, is when are we getting a sequel that covers everything that's happened since then? Here are 30 worthy films to distract the little ones or schedule an entire family movie night around (if you have the energy after homeschooling).It may have some familiar story elements, but this 2019 film has some of the most gorgeous visuals in any recent animated movie, including a wave of flowers and the design of its lovable main character, a Yeti who needs the help of a girl and her friend to get back to his home at Mount Everest.The weirdest animated story of the early days of the CGI form was the competition between DreamWorks with Exactly which titles Disney allows to jump from its streaming service to others doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but here’s the adventures of a sweet stunt dog named Bolt, the leading pup of this fun movie from 2008. The 80 Best Movies on Disney+ Right Now Comments. And Keanu Reeves is perfect as Wick, steely and unflappable even when faced with more and more ludicrous opponents.

But this movie is a lot stranger and more subversive than it's set up to be, and the dynamic of this abusive marriage is not what it would seem. But it is something recent that may get the attention of your kids. They're all beautifully animated and most of them are deeply moving, with more thematic texture than you'd typically get from a movie targeted at kids.

D’Elia’s part had already been filmed, so Notaro will take over via green screen. We understand that Disney didn’t want to “give away” the movie for free on their platform, and we should be able to rationalize this. We update this list constantly with new entries, and we just added The Truman Show, a classic '90s movie that's always worth a rewatch.

Despite What You May Have Heard, Annabelle Has Not Escaped Her Museum DisplayKaty Perry on Unwanted-Touching Allegations: ‘I Don’t Want to Add to the Noise’Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion Show Off Their Mansion, Drip in Video for ‘WAP’Despite What You May Have Heard, Annabelle Has Not Escaped Her Museum DisplayKaty Perry on Unwanted-Touching Allegations: ‘I Don’t Want to Add to the Noise’Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion Show Off Their Mansion, Drip in Video for ‘WAP’ But we can say who does it best. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is a beautifully shot movie, too, and even though the action is arguably ridiculous, there's no doubting the level of craft that goes into the fight choreography.

This 2001 family flick has been pretty much forgotten by history, but it was actually a pretty big hit at the time. Added to Netflix UK in early 2020, the third John Wick movie somehow finds more ways to amp up the scope of its martial arts set pieces over the second movie, including a fight in a stable, a sword fight on motorbikes and a knife fight in a knife store. Selena Gomez and Zac Efron both host series completely unrelated to their previous work.