majesty and sovereignty. head.The theme of the coronation of Mary was popular in English medieval carving, and it was everywhere By St. Louis Mary De Montfort Preface St. Louis De Montfort, universally known for his True Devotion to Mary, embellished the Little Crown by adding to each Hail Mary a distinctive invocation in praise of the Blessed Virgin's excellence, power, and goodness, ending with the joyful strain, "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! In this regard, St Francis de Sales maintains that Mary’s death was due to a transport of love. “Crowning Mary as queen of heaven and earth affirms the dedication of Our Lady’s university to its Marian charism of making room for Christ, wherever He may be found.” Anyone wishing to attend the Notre Dame May crowning may bring their own flowers from a garden. angels and of the entire universe of creatures.

crowned as Queen for all eternity.”"Having thus spoken the three divine Persons placed upon the head of the most

During this quietness the incarnate Word descended from heaven on a throne of ineffable glory, accompanied by all the saints and innumerable angels, and the house of the Cenacle was filled with glory. Christ overcame sin and death by his own death, and one who through Baptism has been born again in a supernatural way has conquered sin and death through the same Christ. in the Apocalypse to “a crown of twelve stars.” It seems to be a second feast

Crowning of Mary During the Month of May -- a month both named for and dedicated to Mary -- Catholics have long honored her by placing a crown on her image. 7, ch. And since, by my power and as my Mother, I have caused thee to enter the world free and exempt from sin, therefore also death shall have no right or permission to touch thee at thy exit from this world. And, although the Church has always recognized this supreme generosity and the perfect harmony of graces, and has daily studied them more and more throughout the course of the centuries, still it is in our own age that the privilege of the bodily Assumption into heaven of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, has certainly shone forth more clearly.“That privilege has shone forth in new radiance since our predecessor of immortal memory, Pius IX, solemnly proclaimed the dogma of the loving Mother of God’s Immaculate Conception.

In thy hands and at thy The Mother is not superior to the Son who underwent death, giving it a new meaning and changing it into a means of salvation.“As to the cause of Mary’s death, the opinions that wish to exclude her from death by natural causes seem groundless. Grace shall be diffused in thy lips for obtaining all that Thou wishest and ordainest in heaven and on earth, and every where shall angels and men obey Thee ; because whatever is ours shall be thine, just as Thou hast always been ours ; and Thou shalt reign with Us forever.’”How great are these mysteries of the Assumption and the Crowning of Mary, and how thankful must we be to God for having given us such a Mother who continues to watch over each of Her children. Attend, proceed and govern prosperously over them, for in our supreme consistory We give Thee power, majesty and sovereignty. “In some of the writings of the Church Fathers, we find Jesus himself described as coming to take his Mother at the time of her death to bring her into heavenly glory. The Coronation of the Virgin or Coronation of Mary is a subject in Christian art, especially popular in Italy in the 13th to 15th centuries, but continuing in popularity until the 18th century and beyond.

deny, which Thou wishest to concede to men. If thou wishest not to pass through it, come with Me now to partake of my glory, which thou hast merited.’“The most prudent Mother prostrated Herself at the feet of Her Son, and with a joyous countenance answered : ‘My Son and my Lord, I beseech Thee let thy mother and thy servant enter into eternal life by the common portal of natural death, like the other children of Adam… Thou, who art my true God, hast suffered death without being obliged to do so ; it is proper that as I have followed Thee in life, so I follow Thee also in death.’ Christ the Savior approved of the decision and the sacrifice of his most blessed Mother, and consented to its fulfillment.

Thou shalt be the Friend, the Defender and the Chieftainess of all the just and of our friends ; all of them Thou shalt comfort, console and fill with blessings according to their devotion to Thee. If you have a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can crown her within your own family. The Crowning of Mary is also the object of a liturgical feast – Mary, Queen of the Universe – that was instituted by Pope Pius XII in his encyclical letter Ad Cœli Reginam (Towards the Queen of Heaven) dated October 11, 1954.

of the children of Adam call upon Thee from their heart, serve or oblige Thee, Our Mary, queen of heaven and earth, lifted us right out of the last long, cold days of winter and firmly planted our hearts in the warm and promising soil of spring.

of the Assumption, emphasizing the bodily aspect of the mystery.Saint Mary the crowned is recalled in the verse of a medieval carol:“After placing the most blessed Mary on this exalted and super-eminent

He speaks of a dying ‘in love, from love and through love’, going so far as to say that the Mother of God died of love for her Son Jesus (Treatise on the Love of God, bk.

As soon as this miraculous assistance was withdrawn, the fire of her love consumed the life-humors of her heart and thus caused the cessation of her earthly existence.”The natural consequence to Mary’s Assumption, is Her Crowning upon entering Heaven. The ancient Marian prayer, Along with the great and powerful prayer of the Rosary, I would also recommend the daily praying of the The Prayer of the Lady of All Nations, with its over 50 This prayer was also given by Our Lady to prepare the world for a solemn definition or “dogma” of her role as the Spiritual Mother of all Peoples.