Like many of the victims of this terrifying phenomenon, Mary was alone at the time that her body apparently burst into flames.Mary lived alone in an apartment. Anecdotal evidence suggests that there were windows open in the kitchen that would have caused a cross-breeze that could have blown the flame toward Jeannie and set her alight.Many are skeptical of the more mundane explanations for the fire that tragically ended Jeannie’s life. This kept him at home most of the time.Kendall decided to drop in on George to check on him. So is being on a low-carb diet, being an elderly... jump to content.

Loading... Unsubscribe from Buddster? Researchers later put forth the theory that the fire had been caused by the pilot light from the family’s kitchen stove. A nearby television had melted, but the bedding on which George’s body had been incinerated was largely untouched. The cause of death was listed as broncho-pneumonia due to burns.An inquest was held into the circumstances surrounding Jeannie’s death. First the clothing catches, then the body fat, and having a bunch of flammable stuff in your bloodstream moves things right along.Let's see, I'm an alcoholic, I smoke and I'm on a low-carb diet (which is bullshit anyway, since alcohol has so many carbs). Only the part of his shirt covering his stomach and a bit of the floor below his body were charred.

He then saw a large pile of ashes on the floor; the floor underneath had no evidence of burns, but there was a large, square hole in the ceiling above. On July 2, 1951, 67-year-old Mary Reeser became a victim of spontaneous human combustion. On the morning of December 5, 1966, a meter-reader entered Dr. Bentley’s home, having standing permission to enter unannounced due to the scientist’s advanced age. Others noted that the man’s clothing was found smoldering in the bathtub, leading them to believe that his clothes had caught fire from the matches in the pocket. The skull was one of the most unusual aspects of the case. edit subscriptions.

She was treated for her severe burns for a total of eight days until she died from her injuries. They noted that there were several highly flammable substances in the room, but none of them had caught fire.A later inquest hypothesized that the fire had been caused by Robert dropping a cigarette onto his shirt. Mary lived alone in an apartment. Chronic alcoholism is a risk factor for Spontaneous Human Combustion. However, a fire hot enough to fully cremate the scientist’s body was unlikely to have been started by a random spark to an unlit match.So there’s our look at some terrifying cases of spontaneous human combustion. Human Spontaneous Combustion remains one of those things that are difficult to duplicate and even more difficult to explain. They reported that he was writhing in pain and appeared to be biting into a stair post. Or whatever you choose.Spontaneous human combustion is a bunch of conspiracy theory, shitty tv bullshit. They found Robert on the floor, curled up as if he had pain in his stomach. On the inside of the house, the air appeared smoky and smelled like something had been burnt. In Galway, Ireland, 76-year-old Michael Faherty was found burned to death at his home in December 2010. But some objects have been scientifically proven to burst into flames without an outside heat source. Later research proved that this was untrue.The coroner at the inquest rebuffed the family’s claims, insisting that humans cannot spontaneously catch fire. Accounts of Spontaneous Human Combustion have been reported all over the world. Don't worry about it. Those who believe that she combusted point to her father’s testimony of flames coming from her mouth as evidence that the source of the fire was Jeannie’s body itself.Not all victims of spontaneous human combustion have family members to bear witness to their passings. Whatever occurs in the world just remember that God is always in control.

Robert was still alive when the crew arrived.

How had George’s entire body been turned to ash, but the mask that he must have been wearing in order to breathe was untouched?The official theory was the George had decided to light a cigarette to help cope with his depression, removing his mask in the process. my subreddits.

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Craft Me; A day in the life; Short Stories ; September 23, 2015 • A day in the life.

Human Spontaneous Combustion In the 1400’s, Polonus Vorstius was just a regular Italian knight who liked wine, women, and song.

They later described the flames as blue and looking like the flames from a blow-torch. Let us know in the comments below or on any of our socials.Do you love the thrill that comes with unsolved mysteries? The death of 61-year-old Jeannie Saffin in 1982 is one of the most frequently discussed cases of supposed spontaneous human combustion in history.

They found Mary’s remains on a chair. It doesn't exist.That's what people always say right before they explode...Yeah, normally "spontaneous" winds up being explained away as "got really drunk and passed out holding a lit cigarette."

THE STRANGE CASES OF SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION Buddster. You're actually less likely to human torch your way out!So, if I eat more bacon and start smoking cigarettes I might go up in a blaze of crematory fire?

Then check out this chilling footage that is From mysterious lights to terrifying creatures, every manner of supernatural entity has appeared in scary recordings that have taken the internet by storm. Nothing else in the room other than Robert’s body was on fire. May 11, 2020 #16. He went upstairs to investigate.Upstairs, after passing through a smoky bedroom, the man found the remains of Dr. Bentley in the bathroom.

Unlike most of the victims of these They quickly began dousing Jeannie with water to put out the flames and called for an ambulance. A person walking by called the fire department when he saw a bright light coming from inside the building.Within five minutes, a fire crew was on the scene.

According to testimony from his family and friends, George was depressed and suffered from lung problems that required him to use an oxygen tank in order to breathe.