No face to face meetings will take place at the present time.There will be no external face to face meetings taking place in connection with any planning development matter at the present time.The Planning Section is responsible for processing planning applications and planning appeals, dealing with planning enforcement matters and preparing the Local Plan. The Core Strategy and Policies DPD will remain the primary source of local policy until the new Local Plan is at an advanced stage of preparation.A number of pieces of evidence have also been produced as part of the Local Plan review and these are available on our The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 21 July 2018 and is national planning policy against which planning applications are determined. This includes details of historic applications and constraints on a particular site. The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 21 July 2018 and is national planning policy against which planning applications are determined. If you have any questions please email Frequently asked questions [694.06KB]
However, we will also continue to accept letters of representation on all planning applications up until a decision is made.
However, most of the policy is still current enough to use when considering planning applications and our record of winning appeals is good. Provision has been made for 20 permanent pitches for Gypsies and Travellers and 15 permanent plots for Travelling Showpeople (as defined by Planning Policy for Traveller Sites) within Spelthorne between 2020 and 2035.
We are continuing to deliver services to the community. You can also search for applications in the order they have been submitted via our weekly list of applications. Planning conditions or legal agreements will be used where appropriate to secure compliance with policies. We have received the following large major planning application:Thameside House, South Street, Staines-upon-Thames.Planning application 20/00344/FUL - Demolition of existing office block and erection of 140 residential units in two buildings, with flexible commercial and retail space, associated landscaping, parking and ancillary facilities.During the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have temporarily extended our neighbour consultation period for all major planning applications to 28 days. The Council Offices remain closed to the public. Our current Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document is our current Local Plan but it was adopted in 2009, which was before the NPPF was adopted in 2011.
Spelthorne Council is preparing a new Local Plan for the Borough to cover the period 2020 - 2035. If at any point, this is not observed, Planning Enforcement Officers will leave the site.We will endeavour to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.Planning Development Management will endeavour to continue to provide pre-application advice. about the The Council Offices remain closed to the public. Making an application about the The Council Offices remain closed to the public. You can search for applications by application number, postcode or by property or site address.
It guides development - for example, setting out what can and cannot be built in the Green Belt and the best location for new shopping facilities.The Council will need to ensure the Local Plan is consistent with the NPPF which sets out that every effort should be made to objectively identify and then meet the housing, business and other development needs of an area.
This set out the Council's draft policies and possible sites to allocate for development up to 2035.Since the consultation closed, officers have been reviewing all of the representations received and in due course amendments to the emerging Local Plan will be made where appropriate.Amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, officers are continuing to work through all of the representations and a response document will be produced setting out the key issues raised through the consultation in due course.
My collection day; Kerbside collections; Recycling search tool; Bulky waste; View all sections in Rubbish and recycling; Building Control. To view the decision …
Our revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) time table has now been published and we anticipate that the next stage of consultation (Regulation 19) will take place early in 2021.
Although moving forward our work on the emerging Local Plan is extremely important, the Council's top priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its staff and its communities.Each local planning authority has to have an up-to-date Local Plan setting out the policies and proposals that will guide development in the area. 4.74 There are four Scheduled Ancient Monuments which are by definition of national importance within the Plan area (see Appendix 5) and which the Council will seek to preserve from any development adversely affecting site or setting. Contact us here We are continuing to deliver services to the community.
It will then assess the extent to which this can be met having regard to development constraints.Information can be found on our website about the progress of our
The Duty rota by phone will continue, the telephone number is 01784 446282.Whilst the Coronavirus pandemic continues, Spelthorne Borough Council will continue to consider the nature and urgency of your planning enforcement enquiry before investigating and responding.Site visits will continue to be carried out where appropriate, and where access to the premises can be achieved without the need to go through/into a building (ie. Copies of planning applications, drawings and associated documents are also available for viewing at the Council Offices during normal office hours.