One month after the Sandy Hook shooting, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduced a bill with 24 cosponsors that would be a new version of the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, which expired in 2004. Many relatives of the 26 children and educators killed five years ago at Sandy Hook Elementary School have dedicated themselves to charity, activism and other efforts to … The tides have turned on the gun issue, they said, and the new movement stands to gather strength in 2020 as well.“If we continue to double-down on success,” Murphy said, “it is not a question of if Congress wakes up. Nicole Hockley, co-founder and managing director of Sandy Hook Promise and mother of Dylan, who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.Sandy Hook Promise is the only national nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing shootings, violence, and other acts that hurt children. Based in Newtown, Connecticut, our intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation. Nach dem von den Ermittlungsbehörden rekonstruierten Tathergang tötete Adam Lanza zunächst am Morgen des 14.
It’s just a question of when.”Newer and younger voices also were present, including the two high-school age leaders of the Junior Newtown Action Alliance, Danielle Johnson and Natalie Barden.After the death of her brother Daniel, one of the children killed at Sandy Hook, “my life was changed forever, in ways that I cannot begin to explain,” she said.“Young voices are so powerful, simply because young people should not have to worry about guns and fear for their lives,” she said. By Dan Freedman WASHINGTON — There wasn’t much new to say on the status of gun legislation in Congress, but that didn’t matter so much for Connecticut lawmakers and activists who gathered on Capitol Hill the day after the seventh annual national vigil for gun violence victims at a nearby Washington church.With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell steadfastly refusing to bring gun-violence-prevention bills to the floor and President Donald Trump showing little eagerness to sign them anyway, lawmakers and advocates pledged to keep fighting as long as it takes to get “common sense” bills enacted.“We are closer than ever before to passing (gun-violence-prevention) measures, and two individuals stand in our way,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who equated the burgeoning movement backing legislation to the civil rights movement of the 1960s.Ultimately, he said, “these kind of measures will pass because we are breaking the grip of the gun lobby.”He and others spoke out just a week before the seventh anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012, in which 20 children and six adult staff members died. But it has languished in the Senate with McConnell refusing to call its Senate companion bill, authored by Murphy, up for a vote.McConnell and Trump “should not be sitting there doing what their paymasters in the gun lobby want them to do,” said David Stowe, vice chairman of the Newtown Action Alliance, which grew out of the Sandy Hook shooting.Blumenthal said that if the movement continues to gather strength, guns will continue as a front-burner issue.“History will haunt you if you fail,” Blumenthal said, addressing absent GOP lawmakers.
Dabei führte er vier Schusswaffen aus dem legalen Besitz seiner Mutter mit sich: ein halbautomatisches Gewehr der Marke Bushmaster ACR,[2] eine Pistole Glock 20, eine Pisto… She finds them chained, caged, dirty and fearful and then rehabilitates them, until they can be adopted by loving families.Hearst Connecticut Media editorial says impulsive decision to play fall high school sports is tone deaf to needs of children.Danbury mayor: Sue Eversource for ‘incompetence and neglect’As thousands of Danbury residents awoke to an eighth day without power Mayor Mark Boughton said he would investigate suing the embattled utility Eversource. Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.
“We have a responsibility to create a better future, because we are literally living through the chaos.”The Democratic-controlled House passed a universal-background-check bill earlier this year.
By empowering youth to “know the signs” and uniting all people who value the protection of children, we can take meaningful actions in schools, homes, and communities to prevent gun violence and stop the tragic loss of life.Mark Barden, co-founder and managing director of Sandy Hook Promise and father of Daniel, who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.