Land, Territory, and Identity In this essay I discussed about languages, religions, life style, economy and political factors as well which make my essay very useful and popular in term of my attempt. They will try and suppress the issue so that it is not heard and have even went as far as threatening peoples’ livelihood. Writing and Information Literacy I Some feel it is justified due to people of color being oppressed and sociallyThe National Anthem of the United States has always been respected by the American people. Freedom can mean several different things for a country.

Perhaps no group has more influence of the general public than professional athletes, which has been clearly documented as of late. Every war or battle in American history has been for America’s freedom. Throughout history many different types of governments have been formed ranging from North Korea’s dictatorship to the United States democratic government.

There is controversy today in the National Football League with players kneeling during the National Anthem in protest. Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It is disrespectful to kneel for the National Anthem because it honors our soldiers, discriminates our society with racism, and makes our society look bad. These men and women are willing to give their lives to fight for what they believe in and many have done just that. Professor Shea 8:30

These soldiers are also fighting for the safety of the country's citizens. To be exact it’s “a prolonged cruel or unjust treatment.” To make the main topic at issue come to light, a football player by the name of Colin Kaepernick, decided to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem.

“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to, consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be.” Beginning in sports in 1916 when president Woodrow Wilson,ordered that the star spangled banner be played at military and other appropriate occasions.In tradition before every baseball game at the beginning of world war 2.The most important features of the anthem is that it speaks on good ole american history,and its value is extremely important because it is supposed to give americans hope and reassurance.Knowing that we are safe and that when harm comes to us the military will defend our country and we are up for the challenge.Many people don’t know the idea of the anthem but I personally feel that the anthem’s purpose is the be able to show that we are stronger than anything that comes our way.Now back to sports the national anthem is famously played before any game takes place and we as americans are taught to stand,take off our hats,and put our hands over our hearts. National anthem and National flags are very important for a country.It is an inspiration to the people of a country irrespective of religion they belong.Most of the countries in the world have laws to punish the citizen if they abuse or insult these two . Body Paragraph #1

In the John Stuart Mill Freedom of Thought and Discussion essay he speaks on those in authority silencing discussion, that implies those in authority are infallible. Throughout history we have seen many different type of governments that include North Koreas’ dictatorship to the United States that has a government based on principles of democracy.

“All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility.

In societies that have democratic governments such as the United States, England, France, and many other western European countries, the citizens haveThe interest of mine research topic is Gulf Country that is UAE (United Arab Emirates. Although as of late, in an obscure manner of protest, many athletes and now fans have been kneeling during the National Anthem. In societies that have democratic governments such as the United States, England, France, and many other western European countries, the citizensAs americans the national anthem is very significant to us because it holds a lot of honor and pays respect to those who fight for our country’s protection.Just a little background history the national anthem started on August 24th 1815 at the battle of Bladensburg. Such anthems are usually performed at public appearances by the monarch or during other events of royal importance. Some of these freedoms include freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

11/19/17 In 1950, when India became independent, the poetic lyrics by Tagore were formally adopted as the national anthem of India. “Graduation” starts with Angelou’s generalization of a high school senior’sothers’ views as wrong if they don’t agree with what’s being stated. Standing during the National Anthem is done to show respect to the United States and to the servicemen and women who have fought for the people's freedom. The stately national anthem of Russia, a' prayer for the Czar and for prosperity to his people, dates from 1833.

Its condemnation may be allowed to rest on this common argument, not the worse forGeorge Guay One of the most complex things in establishing in a government is determining how much freedom the citizens in a society has. Recently, many teams and players in the NFL have disrespected the flag and the unity within the country that is portrayed in the song. Development of Western Civilization