Jinyu is once again set free when Haruko and Hidomi kiss an Atomsk-absorbed Canti. In many ways, this joke is an interpretation of sexual encounters. Haruko is deceptive and remorseless of the the things she has done.

She leaves Earth in FLCLimax, but returns as a teacher in Mabase in FLCL Progressive.
However, the boy eventually seems to have grown on her enough that she allows him to kiss her and even offers to take him with her before noting he is just a child. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Eventually, after seeing Haruko's true nature and intentions, Hidomi comes into direct conflict her, doing whatever she can to stop her ambitions. Jinyu tried to kill Hidomi at first, seeing her as a potential N.O. Since Kamon pines almost blindly for her, Haruko is easily able to use him for her own motives. Anyone who tries to take away his freedom, she will consider an enemy, including her counterpart. Haruko eventually decides she can no longer tolerate Jinyu's existence after constantly being asked to join her.
Since she is Haruko's other half, she is most likely the side that loves Atomsk, whereas Haruko is the side obsessed with wanting his power.

She wears a green tube top under a short, lavender jacket, and a white belt with a silver, heart-shaped belt buckle.

Now no one is left to protect Hidomi, just like in the original FLCL. As with Naota, Haruko cares nothing for Hidomi and sees her as only a tool to acquire Atomsk's power. Haruko often gives Kana small advice in order for her to learn how to deal with her problems. She also worked briefly as a staff member for Hinae's café. She laughed when Ide confessed he can’t be with her in While Haruko is willing to chase him across the galaxy, Atomsk seemingly has no interest in her. In episode 5, the aftermath of Haruko devouring Jinyu is shown as she has large bulbous belly for a good portion of the episode. FLCL (2001) is an OVA anime series written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and animated by Gainax.

It is possible that she also uses his power due to her being a part of Haruko.

She is Haruko’s responsible side and most likely carries Haruko’s suppressed emotions, such as a hidden love for Atomsk. He thinks she is insane, especially when she continues to follow him and eventually gets a job working as a maid in his house. Jinyu is once again set free when Haruko and Hidomi kiss Canti when he has Atomsk absorbed in him. However, this time is different, as Atomsk ends up bonding with Jinyu instead, and hugs Haruko before leaving her body. She always addresses her as Raharu and says she is her.

Mamimi and Haruko do not have much in the ways of interaction, but as Naota's personality changes because of Haruko, Mamimi finds herself liking him less and rejecting him more.

While he is too old for her and doesn't pursue her, he still finds her arousing and thinks her baseball skills are intimidating.

However, she's a troublesome alien for someone in his line of work, so those feelings are diluted by his anger towards her, both for what she did to him and the trouble she causes. She wears many other outfits in the series, such as a nurse outfit she likely stole from a nurse after tying her up, but one fashion accessory she is never without is a large metal bracelet on her left wrist. Like Hidomi, Ide first encounters Haruko when she assumes the role of their class' homeroom teacher.

He tends to be very outraged at her wild behavior, save for when she does something cool or impressive. She sports a pale complexion, salmon-colored bob cut styled into a medium-length flare, and yellow-colored eyes that are also cat-like. While split from Julia Jinyu, Haruko acts a little different.

She recognizes Haruko's feelings due to once being a part of her, and is therefore able to get to her in a way that other characters never have.

Haruko first encounters Hidomi when she assumes the role of her class' homeroom teacher.