Andrew's creative expression celebrates the boundless, non-dual, timeless, infinite mystery that is life itself...silence sounding! They cancelled all their invitations and their reservations; they asked me if I’d be willing to officiate a private wedding ceremony for them at Munger. 217 likes.

Andrew Forrest or Gina Rinehart?

weddings, marriage, parade, pandemic, Coronavirus, Munger. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Take responsibility, work harder to recognise these scams and, like every other advertising medium, check the facts before publication.”“There are these ideas that swirl around the technology industry, like regulation is way slower than innovation, the law can't keep up, it's borderless so you can't touch it with states,” she says.Andrew Forrest and his wife Nicola have committed $20 million to the effort to regulate social media.


My first thought—it was early and I wasn’t totally with it—was, “I didn’t know raccoons could fly!” Then, of course, I realized what it was—a beautiful owl, about the size of a housecat.I stood still and looked up at it; it stayed still and looked down at me. I was much more impressed with the one than the other. weddings, marriage, parade, pandemic, Coronavirus, Munger. Join Facebook to connect with Andrew Forres and others you may know. Neale Prior The West Australian. "Dr Forrest's ambitions have caused some concerns about possible regional dominance.Once the aquaculture zone is operational, it could be worth millions of dollars a year to the successful applicants.The thought of Dr Forrest having total control worries Aquatic Life Industries chief executive Stephen Davies.Mr Davies said he welcomed the State's plan and saw it as a big boost for the industry and local producers, but with a player as large as Dr Forrest looking in he stressed the need to share the zone. Who comes out on top of our 2020 list of WA’s 10 richest people?

"The Minister [Peter Tinley] refers to jobs and families, [but] what creates jobs for families is the development of an industry," Mr Davies said. 1 Comment. "Oysters out of this area, and mussels, and general shellfish, are going to be some of the best in the world," he said. The moves are consistent with Warren Buffett's "extremely cautious" outlook, said University of Maryland finance professor David Kass.For the week, the S&P 500 rose 0.6 per cent, the Dow added 1.8 per cent and the Nasdaq gained 0.1 per cent.The virus data has always been unclear, and in the US, it's increasingly become intertwined with the November presidential election. "Arguing over a tiny piece of the cake is absolutely pointless — our job is to grow … the cake massively. View the profiles of people named Andrew Forrest. Sat, 8 August 2020 2:00AM. "We have some of the most pristine, beautiful waters you can get in the world … and if we have less than one per cent of the shellfish market … then let's grow together," he said. Early this morning, while it was still dark, I came across both an owl and a man. "When I hear those people, I’m quite perturbed and I think we have a big job to do because AI and technology must only ever service humanity. The total congregation today at the wedding consisted of me, the bride, the groom, the photographer, and a floppy-haired urchin I enlisted as my altarboy/assistant, who ended up filming with an iPhone from the balcony.After the ceremony, the newlyweds walked out the front steps of the church only to be surprised by a parade put on by their loved ones!

"They're going to be part of an export story for Western Australia. [Photo gallery below. Join Facebook to connect with Drew Forrest and others you may know. Which, it turns out, he does.I was really excited about the owl, so I called out to him, “An owl! And we already are living some of the dystopian sci-fi stories and they never become crises,” she says.Powles will be on the front line for the Forrest family’s Minderoo Foundation in what it is calling a global tech impact network.The network, launched on Friday, unites researchers and academics who have sought to shed light on the dark corners of personal data capture and its use by companies like Google and Facebook.It was booted up with $20 million in initial funding from Minderoo and will have hubs at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, New York University, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and at the University of Western Australia.Professor Meredith Whittaker, the AI researcher who will head Minderoo's NYU hub, said the network would give its members a louder voice and was aiming to achieve major reforms.She is seeking to encourage whistleblowers and employee empowerment after spending 13 years at Google where she spoke out after discovering a secretive contract with the US Department of Defence to build AI for military drones.In a video package released as part of the network's global launch, Whittaker said she had been alarmed by the prospect of the world's strongest military joining forces with a company with more power than most nation states and a "vast trove of some of the most intimate information about all of us, about billions of people".Whittaker said algorithms already set the pace for workers in Amazon warehouses while Uber and Lyft had decimated the taxi industry armed with intimate knowledge of exactly how little they could get away with paying drivers.Forrest has been highly aware of the power of AI for some time after his Fortescue Metals Group was one of the first movers in using autonomous vehicles in mining.And his concerns in the tech field pre-date the fraudulent crypto-currency schemes that led to his attack on Zuckerberg.His comments at the Fortescue annual general meeting last October could have come straight from a bad sci-fi movie but went virtually unnoticed by adoring shareholders.“Believe it or not, there are those in our population who think actually humans have probably had their shot, that maybe there is another form of life," he told them. There’s an owl up there!”“Bunch of assholes—I hate ‘em.