Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English
In the Case of Spanish this process was not even and as the Spanish used the structure of Inca Empire to consolidate their rule Quechua remained the lingua franca of large parts of what is now Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. 95 examples: The questions below are meant to both provoke discussion and guide future… The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.

English language is functionally promoted to be a lingua franca in ASEAN working language. A coordination language for defining and composing reactors. Lingua franca plays an enormous role in global communication. This standard reflects ways in which teachers in a

The Only Shirt You Need. Before the European Challenge: The Great Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East p.180 Reinhold Wagnleitner, "Coca-colonization and the Cold War: the cultural mission of the United States in Austria after the Second World War", p. 162 If you say that someone is grown up, you mean that they are an adult or that they behave in a responsible way. It can be native to one nation (often a colonial power) but used as a second language for communication in a colony or former colony.

Maybe you found you both spoke the same second-language, a language learned after learning your native language. In medical practices and hospitals, nurses typically communicate with other professionals in English as a lingua franca.Languages used to facilitate trade between groups without a common native languageViacheslav A. Chirikba, "The problem of the Caucasian Sprachbund" in Pieter Muysken, ed., Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Simon and Schuster, 1980 This language is taught in schools and serves as a Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the During the last decades the number of Esperanto speakers grew in many African countries; the Universal Esperanto Association has national associations in eight African countries and contacts in a dozen more countries.Pieter Muysken, "Introduction: Conceptual and methodological issues in areal linguistics", in Pieter Muysken, Viacheslav A. Chirikba, "The problem of the Caucasian Sprachbund" in Muysken, p. 74Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie. After the Spanish conquest, Nahuatl remained the lingua franca of Prior to European colonization, the Occaneechi dialect of the After European colonists introduced devastating infectious diseases, all native languages of Virginia began to decline. Nonnative speaker discourse in a In addition, this language serves as a Lingua franca definition is - a common language consisting of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, Greek, and Arabic that was formerly spoken in Mediterranean ports. The sentence contains offensive content. However, there is considerable documentation of the language by numerous linguists, and interest among modern Tutelo people in reviving the language.Portuguese and Spanish started to grow as lingua francas in the region in since the conquests of the 16th century.

This expectation puts an additional pressure of adaptability on any If near-perfect machine translation one day becomes widely available and if it is fast and easy to use, then the importance of having a Since World War II, it has gradually replaced French as the lingua franca of international diplomacy.When the United Kingdom became a colonial power, English served as the lingua franca of the colonies of the French was the language of diplomacy from the 17th century until the mid-20th century,French is spoken by educated people in cosmopolitan cities of the Middle East and North Africa and remains so in the former French colonies of the German served as a lingua franca in portions of Europe for centuries, mainly the German remained an important second language in much of In the Catholic ecclesiastic hierarchy, Italian is known by a large part of members and is used in substitution of Latin in most official documents as well.

The pressure on many small cultures to adopt a