@charA = %char(%date(@numE:*usa):*ymd/); // mmddccyy to 'yy/mm/dd' @charB = %char(%date(@numA:*ymd):*usa/); // yymmdd to 'mm/dd/ccyy' @charB = %char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*usa/); // 'mm/dd/yy' to 'mm/dd/ccyy' @charA = %char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*ymd/); // 'mm/dd/yy' to 'yy/mm/dd' @charA = %char(%date(@numA:*ymd):*ymd/); // yymmdd to 'yy/mm/dd' @numB = %dec(%char(%date(@charA:*ymd/):*cymd0):7:0); // 'yy/mm/dd' to cyymmdd @charA = %char(@dateA:*ymd/); // D'ccyy-mm-dd' to 'yy/mm/dd' CHEAT SHEET The Ladder (p.9) +8 Legendary +7 Epic +6 Fantastic +5 Superb +4 Great +3 Good +2 Fair +1 Average +0 Mediocre –1 Poor –2 Terrible Game Time (p. 194) • Exchange: time for every- … And, once you’ve found it, processing the streamlined information on the cheat sheet will (hopefully) also be quicker. @numC = %dec(%char(%date(@numD:*mdy):*iso0):8:0); // mmddyy to ccyymmdd Search400 @dateA = %date(@numA:*ymd); // yymmdd to D'ccyy-mm-dd' D @numB S 7 0 inz(1041206) @numD = %dec(%char(%date(@charA:*ymd/):*mdy0):7:0); // 'yy/mm/dd' to mmddyy @numA = %dec(%char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*ymd0):6:0); // 'mm/dd/yy' to yymmdd @numC = %dec(%char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*iso0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/yy' to ccyymmdd D @charA S 8 inz('04/12/01') @numE = %dec(%char(%date(@charB:*usa/):*usa0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/ccyy' to mmddyyyy @charC = %char(%date(@charB:*usa/):*mdy/); // 'mm/dd/ccyy' to 'mm/dd/yy' @charC = %char(%date(@numD:*mdy):*mdy/); // mmddyy to 'mm/dd/yy' 2 May 18. rpg, … @numA = %dec(%char(%date(@numD:*mdy):*ymd0):6:0); // mmddyy to yymmdd Since I’m picky about what I want on my GM screen, I made the following cheat sheet. @charA = %char(%date(@numC:*iso):*ymd/); // D'ccyy-mm-dd' to 'yy/mm/dd' @numB = %dec(%char(%date(@numC:*iso):*cymd0):7:0); // ccyymmdd to cyymmdd @numB = %dec(%char(%date(@charB:*usa/):*cymd0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/ccyy' to cyymmdd @numD = %dec(%char(%date(@charB:*usa/):*mdy0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/ccyy' to mmddyy @numE = %dec(%char(%date(@numA:*ymd):*usa0):8:0); // yymmdd to mmddccyy With ANSI/TIA-942, IT teams can certify ...It's not quite the glory days of the 1960s, but IBM mainframes are getting by with a little help from open source friends. @dateA = %date(@numC:*iso); // ccyymmdd' to D'ccyy-mm-dd' @numA = %dec(%char(%date(@charA:*ymd/):*ymd0):6:0); // 'yy/mm/dd' to yymmdd @dateA = %date(@charA:*ymd/); // 'yy/mm/dd' to D'ccyy-mm-dd' Use cases such as IoT, edge computing and cloud don't necessarily work ...Your 'date to numeric' are all wrong. These games can be confusing for new players. @numB = %dec(%char(%date(@numE:*usa):*cymd0):7:0); // mmddccyy to cyymmdd Mothership - Sci-Fi Horror RPG is an award winning tabletop role-playing game where you and your crew try to survive in the most inhospitable environment in the universe: outer space! @numC = %dec(%char(%date(@charA:*ymd/):*iso0):7:0); // 'yy/mm/dd' to ccyymmdd @numB = %dec(%char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*cymd0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/yy' to cyymmdd

JohnnFour. @charB = %char(%date(@numB:*cymd):*usa/); // cyymmdd to 'mm/dd/ccyy'
@dateA = %date(@charC:*mdy/); // 'mm/dd/yy' to D'ccyy-mm-dd' *inlr = *on; RPG Dice Cheat Sheet - Oh golly! @numA = %dec(%char(%date(@numE:*usa):*ymd0):6:0); // mmddccyy to yymmdd I don’t know what Fria Ligan has done to me, but they sunk their claws in deep when they announced the ALIEN Roleplaying Game coming later this year. The information included is meant to be Most of these cheat sheets can also be used in conjunction with a modular, landscape-oriented GM screen (like the ones you can buy Personally, I use a four-panel screen and use reverse-duplex printing in order to create sheets that I can tape together and “flip up” to reveal additional information behind them.

D @dateA S d inz(D'2004-12-04') IBM ...Having one centralized data center can bring IT benefits. D @numC S 8 0 inz(20041207) // character to date... Cheat sheet for the rules of Cortex Plus for Exalted by blackwingedheaven. RPG SYSTEM CHEAT SHEETS. For example, my @numE = %dec(%char(%date(@numB:*cymd):*usa0):8:0); // cyymmdd to mmddccyy @numD = %dec(%char(%date(@numA:*ymd):*mdy0):6:0); // yymmdd to mmddyy
Tips and instructions for using the new version of Campaign Logger for easy tracking your tabletop RPG campaigns. @numE = %dec(%char(%date(@charC:*mdy/):*usa0):7:0); // 'mm/dd/yy' to mmddyyyy // date to numeric...