I am pretty sure exploiters are capable of taking scripts in the workspace if they copy the game.Well then you are sorely mistaken.

(including LocalScripts & Modules)I’ve had an experience where someone exploit copied a place of ours, and retrieved everything in the workspace (including some scripts) last year.I am pretty sure exploiters are capable of taking scripts in the workspace if they copy the game.They never can see normal scripts without having backend access. Select from a wide range of models, decals, meshes, plugins, or audio that help bring your imagination into reality.Yeah, I do have plugins do you want a list of all the ones I currently have?Just try disabling them all and re-publish and see if the game still works and if so check if the script you mentioned is still there.This kind of thread appears at least once every week or so on the DevForum and it’s the same problem every time. Objects that require adornment, such as ParticleEmitters and BillboardGuis will be adorned to the 0, 0, 0 position when adorned to the Workspace (parented to it without an adornee otherwise being set) Inside the AIs is a ServerScript which handles the amount of cash/xp given to the player when they buy something from them. Thanks for reading.It doesn’t matter where the server script is. More Over. Recently on my SCPF I have had some issues with exploiters where they can execute very I dont know how they are managing to do this being I am not using free models or anything that can be used to infect my game. Alot of the exploits are built for R6 so having a R15 game will cause an error in most R6 exploitsMy game is already R15, Do you reccomend any good anti exploits to add?I don’t know which anti exploit is good since i barely add them. Roblox, the Roblox logo and Powering Imagination are among our registered and unregistered trademarks in the U.S. and other countries. Banning Staff From Their Own Game (Roblox Exploit Trolling) Exploiting to mess up a staff meeting and banning staff from their own game. If someone has your game including server scripts you or another developer for that game had their account compromised. If others have access to your game, they need to check their plugins as well.Yet, I am not a free modeller. so like I said, my best bet is the plugins.Uninstall plugins you don’t use or you don’t feel safe with themYeah, I have uninstalled the ones I dont use most, or the ones that are the most fishy and it seems to have fixed the issue. the ones where you turn yourself into an angel. If it somehow gets replicated, whether that be automatically, Purposly or through exploiting; It can be.I’d also like to note that some of these other reply’s while not all out wrong, more half-truths are misleading and it’s best not to state something unless you’re sure.Wait so is keeping any kinds of scripts on “ServerScriptService” safe from exploiters?Yes, because it’s encrypted in the server, you can’t access server stuff. The only other way that something like that would happen is if someone had found an exploit to download assets they didn’t own on the website. To patch alot of the exploits i recommend to set your game to R15 and add a anti exploit. Keep your server scripts and ServerScriptService though.Exploiters can definetely steal workspace scripts. Don't forget to use the code "VOICE-LESSYT" in the Fortnite Item Shop! The Concept. ©2020 Roblox Corporation. This doesn’t fix the issue at hand.Now, as I stated… I too got this and I believe its from a I will let y’all know when I find which out which plugin it is. Keep client-side scripts basic as possible and use RemoteFunctions to keep important stuff in server.No…but here’s the loophole. On the other hand, if they copy your place and the scripts are in the workspace, they would be able to steal the code.No. The only free model I used is the coffee machine verified by roblox.Does anyone know how people are executing these scripts.I recognise some of the scripts as 'Star Destroy* scripts. The admins don't seem to … Do not delete it, this script secures your game from exploiters. roblox.hack.com logins Username: aa647033ad2 Password: familyoverfame Other: free robux account Stats: 72% success rate; 1000 votes; 3 days old Make sure to subscribe, turn on notifications and like this video!