ON THE OTHER END OF THE BRIDGE WAS MY OFFICE. I turned and looked at my driver who was a Caucasian male and told him I was scared and could there be a way that could drive faster so we wouldn’t die/drown !!! Raising the height of a bridge With bridge reconstruction work, some disruption is unavoidable – including the temporary closures of roads and footpaths We make every effort to minimise disruption to local communities and are committed to completing the works as quickly and efficiently as possible. I panicked at first because I can’t swim, but then I just relaxed and accepted my gate. I’m in metal plated armor and wielding a sword as if I prepare for a fight. I walk to the blue on with major tears in my eyes. Any thoughts? I Hv Had Several Of These Bridge Dreams.you are going to be reborn. This second time after I yelled I watched as my brother flew past my best friend and I, I couldn’t catch him and neither could she. I’m not sure why but there’s like a feeling of strength in my heart.I had a dream where I Was sent on an errand but took about 5 to 10 minutes to actually go on the errand, but when I finally went it was a little late though I was scolded a little by the one who sent me..I had a dream.My car was being parked. Road over bridge construction provides a relief from obstacles physically faced by population of particular area, road over bridge design always decided as per functional ability of particular site where this bridge planned for construction and moreover which type of material should be used to construct road over bridge as per climatic conditions. I looked to my right as I was backing up, and saw that the bridge had collapsed on that side. I am sitting next to my best friend and I think she chose the location or wanted to give my brother the wheel or something because she says sorry right after we realize we are going to fall.

2020The Indian Express [P] Ltd. All Rights ReservedThe Bogibeel bridge comprises of two railway lines and a three lane road bridge on top.Bogibeel India’s longest rail-road bridge special for many reasons! Can you please interpret this for me? Pavement of deck shall extend 20 ft. past the end of the structure and be placed over a 12-inch ?I had a dream I was on a small bridge near a larger bridge I was walking along the small bridge which then started to break up and crumble and fall down I managed to run to the part that did not fall down I survived .Good morning i had a dream that my son and i was crossing a bridge and the water was coming over the bridge so i picked him up so we could get across. I keep running forward. The bridge maintenance width shall accommodate one 12-ft. paved lane with curbs and railing. I overcorrected and backed my car through the rail on the left side into a clear river. He said he would try and thank God we made it across the bridge without the black water flooding the bridge.I had a dream that I got into my car and then remembered I forgot something indoors at home. Bridge deck shall provide curbs, railing, drainage, and joint seals as required. Did you dream about bridges?

One of the handrails is now gone and the other one bends across halfway through and blocks off the rest of the bridge. What does that meanI dream of crossing pedestrian bridge made with plywoods going on it.the bridge fall down to my surprise I jumped safely without any wounds and down the bridge was dry land and besides the collapsed bridge their is another one.please can u explain this to me.thanksI’m so disturbed by this dream… would love to understand it:i HAD A DREAM OF STANDING AT A BRIDGE MADE OF STONE. I decided to back up. Does anyone have any idea what this could mean? Water was covering it. SOMEONE TOLD ME TO CROSS THE BRIDGEWhen i was crossing bridge it destroys in one side and there were few ladies standing to protect and i success to cross the bride wat is that meanI’m dreaming walking ther bridge across the river and in the end of the bridge I saw the children’s bring more sweet in the bowl.

you missed it to nirvana.I’ve had this dream where I’m in a car driving or someone else is driving a vehicle that I never recognize since I’m too scared to look at them in the eye. The bridge was wooden with metal hand railing, always going straight across a deep revine. I struggled to walk backwards and get my head above water and when I did I screamed for my husband – I felt terrified. Then drove under the Bridge & it collapsing on us & I felt there is no space coming out of Bridge bcoz of small gap but i had told brother let’s do it & we came out without any scrach – between small space of Bridge & road.I Thank U For D Interpretations They Are Very Correct.