Short for post-classical Latin post coitum omne animal triste est (and variants): ‘after sexual intercourse every animal is sad’ (16th-cent. Or: triste est omne animal post coitum, praeter mulierem gallumque. But in fact an adjective, especially an adjective of quantity or degree, followed by a partitive genitive is simply an idiomatic expression equivilent to an adjective modifying a substantive. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier After sexual intercourse every animal is sad, except the cock |rooster| and the woman. It is attributed to the Greek doctor and philosopher, Galen.
and Abl.Abs.! not from Aristotle) quare animal post coitum tristatur? -> My guess is that Aristotle: "Umnia animalia post coitum opressus est"  -> at least Eco says so (i've checked it) -- and I believe him This is a shortened version of a Latin phrase, post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier, which means 'After sex all animals are sad except for roosters and women'. ... ‘Tristes vero esse] Voluptati moerorem succedere cum norunt omnes, tum maxime libidinosi: nam, teste philosopho, omne animal a coitu triste est. Compare pseudo-Aristotle Problems 955 a 22 καὶ μετὰ τὰ ἀϕροδίσια οἱ πλεῖστοι ἀθυμότεροι γίνοται ‘and after love-making most people become rather lacking in spirit’, rendered in a 1475 Latin translation as post coitum quoque venereum animo plerique omnes succumbunt, reddunturque tristiores. Search for Latin forms, English & German translations and vocabulary groups. Post coitum omne animalium triste est - After sex, all animals are sad. The answer is, that an act of luxury is in itself foul and disgusting’.More fully "post coitum triste". (or are passionate about them). Mid 19th century. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs post coitum omne animal triste est, sive gallus et mulier. Thank you very much EVERYBODY! This is, I am now led to understand, by Galen (c. 130-201), the great physician to the emperors; though until I did a Web search just now to find the exact work, I had thought it was by Aristotle (who would of course have been read in … Other terminology resources OK, it's Aristotle.

Who said that famous saying? Copyright © 1999-2020 - All rights reserved. post coitum omne animal triste (est) Explanation: Aristotle may have said something similar in Historia animalium (I'd check especially the ninth book: it's full of observations of this kind. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier Phrase Meaning: After sexual intercourse every animal is sad, both the cock (rooster) and the woman. add example. A lo que propicia esa situación lo caracterizó Aristóteles o anteriormente Hipócrates con la expresión “ omne animal post coitum triste est ” (“todo animal está triste tras el coito”). Analysing your text word-by-word and detecting ACI, NCI, P.C. I read Russian too, so please, write me in whatever language is most comfortable for you.his/her/the/a soul being sad after sexual intercourseThe KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. This is a shortened version of a Latin phrase, post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier, which means 'After sex all animals are sad except for roosters and women'. respondetur, quia actus luxuriae est in se turpis et immundus, ‘why is an animal sad after sexual intercourse? stemming. Quite as interesting is the full quote: Triste est omne animal post coitum, praeter mulierem gallumque; "except the woman and the cock (= rooster)". Post-coital tristesse (PCT) is the feeling of sadness, anxiety, agitation or aggression after sexual intercourse, mostly in males.Its name comes from New Latin postcoitalis and French tristesse, literally "sadness".Many people with PCT may exhibit strong feelings of anxiety lasting from five minutes to two hours after coitus. You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes.Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. Copyright © 1999-2020 - All rights reserved. Copyright © Peter Waldert 2016-2020.

(or are passionate about them). I wanted to know what the english translation is to itYes - your translation gives the partitive genitive :)But "each of the animals" indicates there is a specific group of animals. POST COITUM OMNE ANIMAL TRISTE. post coitum: After sex: After sexual intercourse post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier: After sexual intercourse every animal is sad, except the cock and the woman: Or: triste est omne animal post coitum, praeter mulierem gallumque. A mood of depression, sadness, or sorrow sometimes experienced after sexual intercourse.These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English?