Configuring every aspect of your LEDE/OpenWRT device through it’s CLI isn’t for everyone.

This website uses cookies. OpenWrt provides set of scripts called UCI (unified configuration interface) to unify and simplify configuration through the command-line interface. Switch port numbers 0-3 are LAN Ports 4-1 as labeled on the unit, number 4 is the Internet (WAN) port, and number 5 is the internal connection to the router's CPU (labeled “CPU” in LuCI).Use these switch port numbers when specifying a VLAN's ports via the UCI (i.e., in the ports option of a VLAN's config switch_vlan section, in /etc/config/network). LuCI is the web interface server used by OpenWrt. It shouldn't to be confused with a more recent Chinese fork of OpenWrt also named X-Wrt. We are going to take a look at To start off with, your device will need internet access. to access system info and settings. If you do not agree leave the website.Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: The first step is to SSH into your device so you can run a few commands (We detailed the SSH steps in a previous guide Once you have gained access via SSH enter the following commands:This will install the LuCI package onto your device.

But with all of the packages available for LEDE/OpenWRT you are able to add a web interface to help you manage your device through a more user friendly method.

X-Wrt was the first web interface project for OpenWrt. First of all you need internet. Once this is complete, you will need to run two more commands.

OpenWrt can be configured through either a command-line interface or a web interface called LuCI.

The first to start up your web server, and the second to set it to run whenever the device is rebooted.Now you should be able to open the LuCI web interface by connecting to your device and navigating to Now have a play around with the web interface and see all the changes you can make without having to use your CLI. Unfortunately this solution appeared to be quite resource consuming and didn't work … By using the website, you agree with storing cookies on your computer. Connect the router in the home network (wired LAN) and use the serial port to access OpenWrt console (yes, the hardware serial port). For years OpenWrt was using LuCI, a web user interface written in Lua. There are two ways to manage/install packages in OpenWrt: With the LuCI web interface Software menu (System > Software), and via the command line interface (CLI). Additional web interfaces, such as …

Both methods invoke the same CLI opkg executable, and as of OpenWrt 19.07.0, the LuCI interface now has an 'Updates' tab with a listing of packages that have available upgrades.

It shouldn't to be confused with a more recent Chinese fork of OpenWrt also named X-Wrt. It required several Lua extensions (like ubus, luci.model.uci, nixio.fs, etc.) Also you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy. Connect only ground, RX and TX lines and start a PuTTY session on the serial port, with 115200 baud, 8N1 settin… I recommend the CH340G USB to serial TTL converter (cheapest possible, less than 1 USD) with the jumper set to 3.3 V. Find your device on OpenWrt table of hardware and identify serial port pins. X-Wrt was the first web interface project for OpenWrt. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International The first step is to SSH into your device so you can run … LuCI Web Interface (OpenWRT wiki) To start off with, your device will need internet access.