Sea Career offers maritime jobs onboard offshore DSV, AHTS, PSV & ROV support vessels including tankers, passenger, container, general cargo and other specialized vessels, as well as shore side vacancies within the maritime sector. Test Engineer for Navigation Systems (m/f/d) They include such traits as leadership skills, negotiation, the ability to communicate well both verbally and in writing, problem solving and a willingness to collaborate. Through no fault of their own, a general recruiter will have little to no understanding of maritime experience and qualifications. It may take a little while to adjust to these less than clear boundaries and figure out who is who in the leadership chain. While land based shipping companies will of course have a management structure, you might find that the hierarchy is less strict and more informal than the one you’re used to on board. At sea you have deadlines and rules and the knock on effect of something not being done when and how it should be can be serious. in your jobs on ships while also preparing yourself for the changes to come when you move to a shore based maritime job. Job seekers looking for a shore based job in the Shipping industry should Register your CV for free then click on one of the below links to search for your next career move. A good number of seafarers who responded to the survey and struggled with returning to land mentioned the difficulties of trying to arrange interviews for land based maritime jobs while at sea. Culture shock is a very real deal for anyone who has moved to a foreign country and who is struggling to adapt to the ways of their adopted homeland. Whether you’re looking for another physically demanding job, you want to put your technical skills to good use, or you’re thinking about entering ship broking or marine insurance, chances are you’ll be able to find a job that suits you. Likewise, where you are based can vary wildly too. Your main goal when developing soft skills for the workplace is to improve your communication skills. A career in the #maritime industry doesn’t have to mean working at #sea.
Our partners and associates have a true understanding of the industry and will guide you seamlessly through the hiring process. Maritime career Jobs ashore. Thanks to their experience, deck officers easily find a job in the maritime industry.After their career at sea, deck officers have a range of options to find interesting jobs ashore, in the public as well as in the private sector.After their career at sea marine engineers take a job on land as technical manager for maintenance and new-build projects in the maritime, industrial and chemicals sectors. If the thought of being completely parted from the ocean sounds like too much of a wrench, Or maybe you’re considering a move inland. Going back to soft skills, an office environment will also usually call for more tact, diplomacy and patience when it comes to interacting with your coworkers and managers. Jobseekers can find jobs and create job alerts. Maybe you thrive on a challenge, maybe you’re looking for less strenuous, round the clock work: whatever your reasons for coming ashore, if your new job doesn’t make you feel fulfilled the entire experience will be a more difficult one. It is worth bearing in mind that communication on board a vessel and in an office environment may be two very different things.

This is not without its own set of issues as it can make dealing with problems or knowing who to speak to about a project less transparent.

Often your experience working in seafarer jobs will stand you in good stead for securing one of these positions and you might find yourself putting your seafaring skills to good use albeit behind a desk while working as a fleet manager, safety officer, marine superintendent or even a coder or The thought of making the change to a shore based maritime job in the shipping industry may seem daunting if you’re used to working at sea. Distance learning through an academy is one way of gaining necessary qualifications but soft skills are not something you can learn by reading a manual. Vacancies for Maritime Professionals, Ashore and At Sea.