If you max out Shinji's Social Link, he doesn't die.If you max out Shinji's Social Link, he doesn't die.Why wouldn't you want too? Initially introduced as seemingly a normal dog, he is later revealed to be a Persona-user and joins the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad. These are: Fool, Death, Devil, and Judgement. After getting a satisfactory answer from him that lets her move forward, she thanks the Protagonist for helping her to see things differently and come to actually enjoy her sport, and gives the Protagonist her favorite Annotated Guide, letting her fuse Thor.Chihiro is the student council treasurer, and the male Protagonist's Justice Social Link. At first bitter about his fate and reluctant to talk to people, he gradually opens up to the Protagonist and develops not only a powerful friendship with him/her, but the inspiration to write a children's book as his parting message to the world: a tragic but ultimately hopeful story about the friendship between an outcast pink alligator and a bird who can't fly. Texasbacon - 10 years ago 1 2. He does all this to bring about The Fall because of a prophecy he read.When he captured the members of S.E.E.S. They were renamed Confidants in Persona 5. before running off, she's probably this.When he goes to find Isako, he accidentally drops his cellphone. Fortune Strength Hanged Man Death Temperance Devil Tower Star
To her dismay, her teammates don't share the same single-minded devotion to the club. The son of a doctor, Keisuke is under pressure to quit his club and join the family business. The Kirijo Group is an international corporation with a major presence in Iwatodai City, having among other things founded Gekkoukan High School. Edogawa is an eccentric teacher working at Gekkoukan High School. By pursuing the Social Link, the Protagonist discovers that Kaz is secretly suffering from an injured knee, which is only getting worse due to his constant and overzealous training in an attempt to keep up with his teammates. Both play a supporting role in cultivating the Protagonist's abilities. Over the years he became a Nihilist and began preparing for The Fall. to willingly bring about the Fall. He still goes into a Coma that lasts the whole game.Why wouldn't you want too? This article only covers the 22 Social Links in Persona 3: FES. The Protagonist's influence ultimately helps him learn the value of trust and friendship, and he changes his ways, dropping the incident and asking for other's opinions instead of forcing his own values onto others. Also I'd love it if GiantBomb did an ER of this game."
best. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. He and the rest of the scientists lost their lives during the accident.Eiichiro Takeba was a gifted scientist and the father of Yukari Takeba. Teddie falls on the ground and is unable to stand back up, prompting Koromaru to pull him into the stall with Their combined powers allow them to defeat the enemies and the culprit behind the whole scheme: Koromaru's name is written “虎狼丸” in Japanese the first two kanji meaning "tiger" and "wolf." Out of the hundred children involved with the experiments, only four survived, three of them being members of Strega.Died being cradled by Mitsuru after succumbing to the gunshot wound caused by Ikutsuki when trying to stop him after his true intentions to bring about the "Fall" was revealed, happening in the same night S.E.E.S.
Rank 2: What happened?
"This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other He represents the Devil Social Link, and pursuing it has Tanaka swindling the Protagonist out of 40,000 yen before deciding to start giving him/her some of his rather unscrupulous business advice, and even considering making him/her a model for his company. Thankfully, it turns out to have been an error on his part, and she gives the Protagonist volume of her favorite Manga in gratitude for his help, letting him fuse Melchizedek.In P3P, Chihiro loses her S. Link status to Ken if the player chooses the female Protagonist, but she still makes her token appearances in Hidetoshi's S. Link scenes.The student who helps the female Protagonist with her student committee activities and serves as her Hermit Social Link.
To this end, Takeharu forms S.E.E.S., being their silent benefactor. Search this site.
Fortunately for her, S.E.E.S. 32. The other teachers have learned to bring cake when they're delivering bad news.She does ask the protagonist out when she finds out who he is, but runs away before he answers.Judging by Isako's reaction to finding out who Tatsuya was all this time, including asking him out to dinner and then throwing her dictionary down and declaring "Oh, to hell with this!" He doesn't remember this, though and just goes to school, where he becomes Junpei and the protagonist's friend.He's the closest thing the game has to a real central antagonist, as Ikutsuki and Strega never truly take center stage or be anything more than occasional threats, but he is not evil. Pursuing her Social Link gets her to open up a bit more and eventually deal with accusations that she stole money from the school, building her confidence to confront the teacher that accused her.