The company can motivate them by giving occasional gift, bonus, reward for volume of sales and so on . You may also choose to include areas of improvement.You can use the following template when drafting your internship report:While there are many formats you might choose for your internship report, here is an example with the above template:Setting goals can help you gain both short and long term achievements. He must appear to be both trustworthy and able; he must advise with authority. Include information like the date it was founded, the business’s purpose or mission statement, the types of tasks the company completes daily and any other relevant details. Most of my surveyed dealers, both the wholesalers and retailers, said that the customer service of Walton product is good. It is the salesman as he appeared to prospects. It must never seem sly, artificial, unnatural, or condescending. Unilever Bangladesh offers an internship program for fresh graduates in Bangladesh. Hard selling and satisfied customers, however, can coexist.Hard aggressive selling isn’t to be confused with ‘high pressure’ selling, a type of selling which violates the principle of fair treatment.

Dairy Complex Ltd.1995           Started Electrical & Electronics Business.1998           Establish Tricon Electronics Ltd. and Started    Production of                                 Television.2001           Registration of R. B.

Besides, the sales force is the customer’s only direct contact with the company and therefore may be viewed by customers as representing the company itself. So the company should pay more attention to advertising.Walton is one of the leading companies, focusing on the area of electronics in Bangladesh. its a internship report on Elite BD. intern during the internship period will make them more elegant and professional in their future job sector. Those instructions might include required content, formatting, due dates and more.Use the following steps to create your internship report:Include a title or cover page with your name, class, date and the name of the organization. No doubt in Bangladesh Walton is one of the top four.

should be introduced immediately. However their overall opinion I have presented in the following table:The above table indicates that the per week sales of Walton products in cage of Refrigerator are not satisfactory at all. At present, BUET has […] With the increase of privatization & globalization, the obvious outcome is the rapid increase of business activities & influx of mushrooming of business organizations. To accompany your on-the-go lifestyle, WALTON has introduced a variety of laptops and accessories. In this regard the Sales of Walton are somewhat behind them. Group has Sales, Service and Production organization comprising of 280 Executives. So in order to exist in the market for a long time and to acquire the first position, Walton should take some pragmatic steps. Blattberg, Robert C. and Neslin, Scott A. I have tried my best to submit Preview text It has own sales and service centers in all the major cities of Bangladesh. Keep in mind, however, that you should certainly follow any instructions your internship employer gave you in regards to your report. About 9234 students are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in engineering, architecture, planning, and science in this institution. The purpose of an internship is to develop professional skills in a hands-on environment. It has a sales network of 175 dealers in the major and minor towns all over the Country.R. Companies would not conduct elaborate and expensive sales training programs if the principles of personal selling could not be taught and learned.There is no implication here that one can study and become a perfect salesman, for such a salesman does not exist. University of Dhaka. Also some of the dealers did not show any interest or feel free in sharing information with my research which has hampered my research study.¯ Besides as the dealers and salespersons(absence of dealers) who are interviewed for this research are very much busy, they could not spend much time with me. B. In this survey I have conducted on my 40 dealers. That’s why there is a huge growing demand of fashionable goods in this world and lots of electronic companies are paying their attention in this regard.Dealers & parties are of vital importance for every electronic company, because they make a huge contributions in marketing and promoting of fashionable products.