Boldog anyák napját ni hao mama. I wanted to say zhù nǐ hǎo yùn / zhù nǐ hǎo yùn 'a – literal. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 908,525 times. good luck 祝你好运 is the standard translation of how to say good luck in Chinese, but it could sound a little too "translated". Now, you still have to learn some responses you might hear or you want to say to the person asking you these questions.Please understand that more you learn Chinese, more ideas you will get about how to ask “How are you” in Mandarin and you will also be able to construct answers to these questions on the fly.Also its completely correct if you answer the question and ask the other person about how they are doing and to do so, you simple add 你呢?- nǐ ne? For the proper inflection, say the first word in a higher tone and the second one neutral and without emphasis. Please find below many ways to say mom in different languages. But if you really love Chinese culture, you will soon discover that this is a myth. It is the most common way to express gratitude. […]Ready to visit China?
wish you good luck liberal. Here are some ways to say “Thank you” in a few of the most common Chinese dialects.
"The article clarified what to say, and how and when to say it! Grandma (mother's side) Learn how to say the Chinese phrase for Grandmother (mother's side) with standard Mandarin pronunciation. There are seven dialects and each is similar to the other. Cantonese and Fujianese come from Middle Chinese, where it retains most of the same pronunciations across dialects. By using our site, you agree to our What is the most common way to say thank you in Chinese or Mandarin? Xi xie!" Godspeed Chen is a Professional Translator from China.
Godspeed Chen is a Professional Translator from China. Its not that difficult. This is easy and very useful... […]Learning Mandarin Chinese is considered as very difficult. You can say hai hao ma when expressing your concerns. When thanking someone for a compliment, use "nǎlǐ, nǎlǐ", pronounced na-ha-lee na-ha-lee, or "bù, bù, bù", pronounced bhu bhu bhu. The current Chinese phrase "Grandmother (mother's side)" appears in this group. Watch the video for the best way of saying it correctly. Finnish.
The right way to say “Thank you” in Chinese (Mandarin/ Cantonese) depends mostly on the dialect of Chinese being spoken.
– after you finish with your answer.Now, if you want to really start learning Mandarin Chinese and do not want to waste much time and money at school, just check out my article about theThey are the ones that I use on daily basis and maybe I would give up long time ago, if I would not have them. Last time we have learned how to say Hello or Hi in Mandarin Chinese and as a follow up lesson we should learn how to say “How Are You” in Mandarin.. How to Say Good Luck in Chinese 1. Here is how... […]The best way to express gratitute is definitely to say Thank You in Mandarin Chinese. However, it will take some time to learn to speak them all and you'd need to be dedicated and gifted for them all.
This article was co-authored by Godspeed Chen, a trusted member of wikiHow's community. 祝你好运 / 祝你好运啊.
Master the Initials and Finals here... […]Chinese pronunciation is based on knowing the basic 4 tones that will help you to read Mandarin in pinyin and therefore it will enable you to learn to speak […]The first two things you need to know if you want to say Hi or Hello in Chinese. It is a domestic servant role which combines functions of helper, cook, maid and nanny. The right way to say “Thank you” in Chinese (Mandarin/ Cantonese) depends mostly on the dialect of Chinese being spoken.