In terms of story Tai...The Inotia saga continues with Inotia 4, a mobile RPG action games that has you leading a party of heroes into the face of powerful forces. Taking place in a mythical world full of the usual demons, bandits and goblins players will bet asked with countless quests as ...Taichi Panda: Heroes expands on the highly popular Taichi Panda formula with another release of mobile action RPG gameplay. Join with your friends and have fun while playing this game like Zenonia!Solomon’s Keep is a creative take on RPG mobile games for iPhone. Below is a list of best games like Zenonia for iOS devices.Inotia 4 is available for both iOS and Android. The game also has an Across Age DX version available which bumps up the graphic quality significantly (designed for retina display devices). The player, upon starting the game, will be able to select among different types of characters like Druid, Rander or Slayer. It is undoubtedly one of the best games similar to Zenonia that you can download from the App Store. TechReviewPro serves tips-tricks, tutorials & reviews related to Software, Apps, and Gadgets etc. Featuring a large amount of exploration, various weapons, deep dungeons and plenty of secrets. Okami was originally released on PlayStation 2 and eventually made its way to the Nintendo Wii with a high definition por...The Binding of Isaac was designed by Edmund McMillen and offers a bizarre action adventure game that is incredibly fun and addicting while also hitting many other check boxes.

The game is a very Zelda style experience and features a unique world for players to explore. It features both turn-based battles and real-time boss fights.Taichi Panda heroes lets you team up to form a squad to help raid the dungeons. Story wise the game is typical of the genre with a young gifted as...Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas is a beautifully designed Zelda like adventure for Windows and iOS devices. The game has simplistic gameplay with a nice balance of depth and strategy for people needing more of a challenge.
The game almost feels like going through a histor...Anodyne is a fun adventure that will send you on a nostalgic trip back to the days of your Game Boy Colour. Gameplay has changed little from the last Dungeon Hunter instalment but this isn’t necessarily a...Have you ever stopped to think just how far the adventure video game genre has come? Zenonia 4 is an action role-playing game in which a few legendary heroes will have to join forces to combat the supreme evil that is rising in the thrilling world of Zenonia. Players play as a fairly young boy who is left to fend for himself after his father leaves him in an attempt to defea...The fifth game in the Dungeon Hunter franchise expands the hack and slash action further with a game set in the dying Valenthia. The game focuses on three mortals against the mighty gods to save the humankind.No classic fantasies or heroes. Anodyne was originally released at the start of 2013 on Windows and Mac with Android and iOS releases coming sometime after...Realm of the Mad God is an online hack and slash game that features pixel style graphics. That’s what makes it a very interesting sub-genre of RPG mobile games.Now, let us take a look at the best games like Zenonia available for Android, iOS, and PC.Inotia is a popular series among RPG fans. It is undoubtedly one of the best games similar to Zenonia that you can download from the App Store. Now you don’t have to think about it because you can play through it in Evoland. It indeed is one of the best games like Zenonia for Android with a far better visual experience.One of the most popular hack n slash Android game. It is a classic take on an Action-RPG game which makes it one of the best games like Zenonia you can play on your Android device.HIT (Heroes of Incredible Tales) is an interesting take on an RPG genre of mobile games with real-time PvP combat sequences and a co-op mode along with that. In 2010 the game was re-released on the iOS platform with very minor changes with Windows and PlayStation releases following several years later. For Zenonia 4: Return of the Legend on the Android, GameFAQs has 4 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). I see we have the same taste of games, I sugget you check out Inotia and it's other sequels; and there's this one game called Stone of Life, it was the first game that I actually played for months grinding. You will find it good enough if you already know about the Inotia series. Blood & Glory isn’t anything like the others when it comes to the visuals and gameplay. The game was released by Rapidsoft in April 2010 with a hit sequel to the game (Solomon’s Graveyard) being released ...Secret of Mana was originally released in 1993 by Square (now Squire Enix) for the SNES.

As you fight off the hordes of demons and skeletons as e...Okamiden is set less than a year after the events of Okami and despite the best efforts of Amaterasu, evil did not stay locked away from the world for long which means a new round of younger adventurers will step forward with their Celestial Brush to rid the land of evil. While Spiral Knights was originally available to play in your browser this has been retired given its reliance on Java limiting the game to the downloadable client ...Eternium (previously Mage and Minions) offers a mobile loot focused adventure in the same vain as Diablo but does it from your mobile device. In a world of chaos, you need to fight the monsters, bandits, and other ghastly creatures. The gameplay is enjoyable but is not super immersive. Instead of turn-based combat, you will experience real-time combat in such games.