Here are some quotes about lying to yourself to help you snap out of the habit.If you lie to yourself, you're unlikely to be successful. “I often find that people confuse inner peace with some sense of insensibility whenever something goes wrong. -Unknown “ The worst kind of lie is the one you tell yourself. -Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina “ The truth hurts, but lies are worse. “The fact is that we have no way of knowing if the person who we One of the most powerful quotes about lying to yourself. I’m well used to burying such things in a dark cellar and moving on.” 24. Telling yourself that you're different from everyone else and that you're special is a recipe for self-deception. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication Whatever man allows his mind to dwell upon the imprint his imagination has foolishly taken of women, is fanning the flames within himself -- and, since the woman knows nothing about it, she is not to blame. “We are such inward secret creatures, that inwardness the most amazing thing about us, even more amazing than our reason. Powered by Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication When you love someone, it's hard to lie to yourself that you don't. “There are two ways to be fooled. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love.

The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others.

ANY IDEAS ABOUT THIS TOPIC? Perhaps it always has.” Civilization now depends on self-deception. People deceive themselves to feel better about their situation, to justify their bad behavior or simply to fit in. ("Another empty room")” “Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.” Your church is a baby-house made of blocks, and so of the state. “Even if there are instances in which it can be mistook by onlookers, never fool yourself into using misunderstood genius as an excuse to be a fool.” That is beyond their will; and, however little they acknowledge it, one later discovers that they were among the most powerful promoters of decadence.” There's not enough room in a man's head for sanity alongside each grief, each worry, each terror that he owns. “The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision and strengthens our most fatal tendency -- the belief that the here and now is all there is.” “It is a self-deception of philosophers and moralists to imagine that they escape decadence by opposing it. “There's that horrible-beautiful moment, that bitter-sweet impasse where you know that somebody is bullshitting you but they're doing it with such panache and, it's because they say exactly what you want to hear, at that point in time.” “There is no deception on the part of the woman, where a man bewilders himself: if he deludes his own wits, I can certainly acquit the women. We are all masters of self-deception.

It's essential that you behave as if your decisions matter, even though you know they don't.

We tell ourselves the gravest lies. Do not deny the facts just to make yourself feel better. “If it is necessary sometimes to lie to others, it is always despicable to lie to oneself.” Maybe, just maybe, lying to yourself is sometimes a good thing.You're more likely to lie to yourself than to others. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. 27. And having no respect he ceases to love.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov We only lie to ourselves because we want to believe we are destined for greatness. We are all such shocking poseurs, so good at inflating the importance of what we think we value.” “My message to you is this: pretend that you have free will. “The lies we tell other people are nothing to the lies we tell ourselves.” Discover and share Youre Lying To Yourself Quotes And Pics. The reality isn't important: what's important is your belief, and believing the lie is the only way to avoid a waking coma. “The preachers and lecturers deal with men of straw, as they are men of straw themselves. “Above all, don't lie to yourself. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”