Shouldn’t we be more concerned about people?

What is our country? It is part of mankind’s tribal nature to consider your group the “People” and other groups as lesser beings. Advertisers, dictators, and politicians understand this strategy. Do we believe in democracy enough to join a group, advocate for an issue, or work for a candidate?

Repetition of lies and half-truths is used to manipulate and control people.

Why do we have patriotic symbols? Like football and dancing with the stars it keep the minds of the masses off their real problems. But our “freedom” has actually been achieved by social and political activists, not the military.

Others have certainly commented on how patriotism can lead people to commit atrocities. Try controlling 40 kids on a classroom while trying to motivate them to learn. Real patriots are active citizens that get involved to make the country better. Our shallow patriotic rituals are one way to keep us from thinking about the real issues. People in every country are patriotic. This kind of patriotism worships national power, national “greatness,” and promotes distrust of other people. I suspect we know the answer to these questions. A Question of Interests. A broader, more accurate, and more beneficial view of patriotic service would include all the people who work every day serving their communities. What we have below is a list of over 100 essential questions examples that we’ve created and collected over time.

He emphasizes that real patriots bring people together for the common good. We have a too narrow view of national service. What does saying the Pledge of Allegiance mean?

Why don’t our leaders whip up patriotic fervor to make the country better? Do you ever wonder why Americans are so enamored with patriotism? Why do we say the Pledge of Allegiance? Too often patriotism is defined as love of the nation and loyalty to the government. They died to “defend freedom” and protect our way of life. You'll love this. Real patriotism requires active citizens. Questioning our government is essential to democracy. It is the highest expression of patriotism.

Real patriots are active citizens that get involved to make the country better.Do we believe in democracy enough to join a group, advocate for an issue, or work for a candidate? The police, nurses, road maintenance workers, public health inspectors, fire fighters, game wardens, prison guards, and teachers have hard jobs.

Or is politics something you don’t discuss in polite company? You rarely see memorials to people who have served their country in peaceful ways. The present study aimed to investigate the social studies teachers' perceptions of patriotism. Real patriots don’t divide and conquer with racism, sexism, religion, or other wedge issues.

Christ said we should love our neighbor, not our country.People in every country are patriotic.

Hanks refuses to see how this has become a political game, and that's why Americans torched him. We have a limited range of heroes and role models. They must keep them working hard to support the ruling elite. Our shallow patriotic rituals are one way to keep us from thinking about the real issues. Real patriots don’t hate government. These struggles were fought in the legislatures, courts, workplaces, and the streets. Real patriots don’t divide and conquer with racism, sexism, religion, or other wedge issues. Our patriotic holidays, like the 4th of July, get me thinking about the impact of this common sentiment on our society. If you think they do not sacrifice for others, try plowing your own road at three in the morning in a blinding snow storm. In our zeal to honor military service we glorify war and give legitimacy to violence and militarism.

This kind of blind loyalty is hard to justify and frankly dangerous. Shouldn’t fairness, equal opportunity, justice, morality, or tolerance be emphasized more?

Demonstrating patriotism—being “patriotic”—is one of the necessities of being the stereotypical “good citizen.”However, patriotism, like many well-intentioned things, can be harmful when taken to an extreme. We extol patriotism as the highest civic virtue. Robert Reich and have a very short, but excellent, video that talks about these issues (Google “Robert Reich 4th of July message”). A broader, more accurate, and more beneficial view of patriotic service would include It is ironic that we make cult heroes out of military service members but denigrate other public servants. What is so important about love of country? Patriotism doesn’t have to be militaristic. Nor is it necessary to diminish other societies in order to be proud of your own. As George Bernard Shaw said, it is more about where you were born than anything else. As George Bernard Shaw said, it is more about where you were born than anything else.

They must keep them working hard to support the ruling elite and patriotism is great propaganda and a good diversion tactic. We have a limited range of heroes and role models. So why doesn’t patriotism motivate people to work for better schools, national health care, ending poverty, or expanding individual rights and democracy?Robert Reich and have a very short, but excellent, video that talks about these issues (Google “Robert Reich 4th of July message”). Do we love our country enough actually participate in the political process? Implied in these stories is that our many wars were necessary and justified. And yes, some of them are killed every year in the line of duty.

Too often patriotism is defined as love of the nation and loyalty to the government.

As the historian Howard Zinn said, I suspect we know the answer to these questions. What is the purpose of the ubiquitous flag waving and platitudes that pass for pride in our country?Why is patriotism considered the highest of virtues?