Let's see how the Reset This PC with the Remove Everything option works. Previously, he has worked as Documentation Specialist in the software industry, a Technical Support Specialist in educational industry, and a Technical Journalist in the computer publishing industry.

I think your referring to formatting your laptop, and formatting will erase all of your files, unless you pick a mode that just repairs or reinstalls windows.doubt it but try running in safe mode but if it shows the blue screen of death all hope is lost u will need to talk to your comps creatorStill have questions?

This procedure deletes the file table that contains pointers to the data files. Refresh also keeps the apps that came with your PC and the apps you installed from the Microsoft Store.

Rebooting your system should not cause any loss of files, as a reboot is just a power cycle of the unit itself. As such, you could recover some or all of the data files using an appropriate data recovery tool if you were so inclined.

This includes several passes over the hard disk writing 0's and then other random numbers to every sector on the hard disk. However, you can lose unsaved data on files …

Restore your PC to undo recent system changes you've made. Author has 55 answers and 19K answer views. If you choose the Fully Clean The Drive option, the Reset This PC tool will perform a full format of the hard disk that will involve a much more methodical and secure erasure of your data. If you've already tried this procedure, did it work like you expected?

To begin, boot your system using your Recovery Drive. will rebooting it erase all my files?Rebooting generally means restarting a computer. Reset your PC to reinstall Windows but delete your files, settings, and apps—except for the apps that came with your PC.

To run Reset This PC with the Remove Everything option as I'll describe in this article, you'll need to have created a Recovery Drive. "Reboot" Doesn't Always Mean "Reset" Be careful if you see the option to reset something. Once you've made your choice, you'll see the screen shown in When you're ready, click the Reset button and the reset operation will commence immediately.

Reboot means restarting the computer, so it wont delete any of your program files. Restarting, also known as rebooting, is also sometimes called resetting.However, the term resetting is also often used synonymously with a factory reset, meaning a complete wipe-and-reinstall of a system, something very different than a restart and not something you want …

Your system will restart a couple of times during this part of the installation.

Next, select the Troubleshoot | Reset This PC option and choose Remove Everything, as shown in Now you'll be prompted to choose the target operating system, as shown in After you choose a target operating system, you'll see the screen shown in If you choose the Just Remove My Files option, the Reset This PC tool will perform a Quick Format operation on the hard disk and then reinstall Windows 10. © 2020 CBS Interactive.

When it is complete, you'll have a new installation of Windows 10.

You'll need to accept the license, choose a network connection, check for updates, set up a Microsoft account, and so on. Regardless of which option you selected, you'll see a screen like the one shown in When the percentage counter hits 100%, the system will reboot and display a series of screens, like the one shown in When it boots back up, you'll go through all the steps in the first-time set up procedure. My laptop will not load up windows. Delivered Mondays and Wednesdays As you'd expect, this option will take a long time to complete.

However, you can lose unsaved data on files … Be your company's Microsoft insider by reading these Windows and Office tips, tricks, and cheat sheets.

All rights reserved. Now that you know how Reset This PC with the Remove Everything option works, you'll be ready to use it should the need arise.

Refreshing or resetting your unit could cause a loss of files depending on the type of refresh or reset you perform.