I also agree that jumping ahead by using AP credits can do a disservice to students, but some schools such as the University of California system pushes kids ahead when they show up with these credits. The teacher failed the student, not the other way around. The question always comes down to whether to take a rigorous course and risk a lower grade, or get a high grade in a less rigorous course. I hate that my guidance counselor convinced me to take this class. She got into AP studio art because it was based strictly on artistic ability.My son Ben, who will be graduating as a mathematics major in May from Beloit College, didn’t take any AP classes in high school. In most cases, taking an AP class and getting a B is a better choice than getting an A in a regular one.

I am afraid that I won’t be able to get a good grade in the class. And frankly, I don’t blame them.The education Caitlin received at her school (the oldest high school in San Diego County) was rigorous and nothing short of first rate, but every year a significant number of girls left (most of the Asian girls in my daughter’s class departed) not because they weren’t being extremely well prepared well for college by taking college-level classes (they just didn’t have AP in the name), but because they wanted “AP” on their girls’ transcripts.The school’s policy was extremely controversial because it had financial consequences for families.

Check out our AP cram courses for a quick refresher and consider add-on hours with an AP tutor so you can meet your score goals. (That’s the College Board’s belief. Do you think I should transfer out and take physics instead?If you think the class is too hard, sure go ahead and take physics. He just received a D in AP Physics from a high school instructor who teaches the same, and easier, class at community college.

Ask others that you respect.Hello, I’m a junior at King/Drew Magnet High School and I am currently taking 3 AP classes, AP English, AP U.S History, and AP Physics. The admissions officers want to see that you have taken the most challenging courses available to you, and AP is not as beneficial as you thought.
By comparison, 303,243 students took the For other colleges, you'll need to check the school's website or contact the appropriate Registrar's office to get AP placement information. The reasons kids take AP are:From my own experience (my high school didn’t offer any advanced courses) even though I was valedictorian, I was so far behind my classmates freshman year in college that I firmly believe better preparation in high school does lead to better college outcomes.My daughter attended a small private college prep high school and took 11 of 19 available AP classes starting in the 10th grade including all of the math APs and all but one of the available science AP classes. As a society, we sadly have not made education and life-long learning priorities. Reporting of AP exam scores to colleges is usually voluntary, so students who score down in the 1 and 2 range can choose to keep their scores from the admissions folks. my daughter who swims division 1, will be graduating a year early due to summer school and AP credits accepted by university and is using her last year of NCAA eligibility and her athletic scholarship to get a Master’s Degree!Follow Lynn on other social media platforms or subscribe to The College Solution RSS Feed below.Follow Lynn on other social media platforms or subscribe to The College Solution RSS Feed below.Should you write about COVID-19 for your college essay?Why college essays are more important during COVID-198 things you should know about final college plans during the pandemic15 reasons to ignore U.S. News & World Report’s college rankingsDuring a pandemic, getting more money from a college Education is much more than passing a test or earning credits–it is a mindset of wanting to know and learn more.I’m all for rigorous high school courses! The AP U.S. History exam takes 3 hours and 15 minutes. Many colleges and universities have a history requirement, and a high score on the AP U.S. History exam will sometimes fulfill that requirement. A lot of students take AP classes and even taking several AP classes is not admirable as it used to be, although your professors and parents tell you otherwise. But honestly you’re just saying take the classes that look good, but don’t need as much effort as AP classes so as to improve class rank.

I would always ask students why they have selected the AP classes they have chosen. I think students and parents sometimes see AP tests as status symbols, which really doesn’t benefit anyone and perpetuates an unhealthy perfectionist mentality.Did your kid attend some kind of special High School Academy on College campus like the one they have in Texas called TAMS in UNT Campus ?Maybe this applies to rich, elite kids who aim for Ivy leagues only. I think my daughter would have gotten better awards at some colleges if her transcript contained more than just one AP class. Thus, they usually don’t give grades that are higher in comparison to that test. College Credit and Course Placement for AP US History AP English Language Score and College Credit InformationAP English Literature and Composition Course and Exam Information Our daughter is basic middle class, in a middle class town and high school. You don’t have to take AP Physics. Most who go to college will be state schools or community college, with some of the smaller LACs thrown in. It is too hard.