In the fourth leg, they were eliminated with an Express Pass in hand, causing Phil to utter his infamous “Oy vey.” I am always left wondering of the statuses of the couples including the most the current season. When she was a teenager she was attacked by a shark while surfing, and lost her left arm.

Amy and Jason However, getting lost on the way to the Roadblock in the first leg in Sicily pushed them to the back of the pack. Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge, otherwise known as the Beekman Boys, were no strangers to reality TV. Rachel can be seen regularly as the Bikini Bar waitress on CBS' There wasn't much lag time before the Twinnies' next TV gig—they made the jump to The original winners—and winners of the first leg ever—are still friends and huge fans of the show. Jeff and Jordan

Brenchel are still a happy family with their dog Benz. Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly are no less than reality royalty; the couple has competed and dominated on four seasons of reality shows on CBS.

Cindy and Ernie They had their own reality show titled The Fabulous Beekman Boys, which followed them as the two learned how to become farmers and launch their brand. Survivor empowered the …
Ethan is now married and is one of the 20 winners back for season 40.Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and ​celebrity gossip. You can watch the teams' pages in order to get that information. These two took showmance to the next level. Rachel and Brendon A team of self-professed nerds, Dave& Lori generally got along well, which allowed them to perform well in the first few legs of the race. By

These two Survivor winners met during the finale of Survivor: The Amazon.They started dating in 2003 and were together for 10 years, even appearing on The Amazing Race. As the Emmy-winning reality adventure runs its 300th leg, 14 memorable teams give status updates Instagram/whitneyduncant Whitney Duncan and Keith Tollefson competed in the same season of "Survivor." The couple came in second six times throughout the Race, always gunning for that number one spot.
Dad Ron is retired and relaxing with his grandchildren.Goat farmers from New York seemed like unlikely winners—but they did just that in season 21.