June W. Davis Board President Place 4 Term Ends 2018 817-292-6092 junedavis@crowley.k12.tx.us.

Youtube. The following table lists salaries for district teachers during the 2013-2014 school year:The district's K-12 enrollment decreased slightly from 15,240 students during the 2011-2012 school year to 15,000 students during the 2012-2013 school year.Crowley Independent School District operates 23 K-12 schools listed below in alphabetical order:Crowley Independent School District received a Met Standard designation on the state's 2013 report.
In 1995, Pickens received his Master of Arts in Church Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.

… She finished her mid-management certification and concluded her career as an elementary principal prior to retiring in 2002.Pat and her husband Bob share four grown children and six grandchildren. Teacher salaries at Crowley Independent School District are categorized based on higher education achievement and years of service. Michael Ancy. He is a native of Charleston, West Virginia, where he graduated from George Washington High School. Scott enjoys traveling, road trips with his children and longboarding. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations .

OCR Note: If you are … Scott is an active member of Christ Church Assembly of God in Fort Worth and has served in various leadership roles.
School Board Meetings Crowley ISD values open, effective, and timely communication with all District stakeholders. No presentation shall exceed five minutes. During the redevelopment, Beverly was successful in recruiting major regional businesses to anchor commercial development in the historic area.A graduate of Texas Wesleyan University, Beverly holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and Organizational Development. Regular meetings of the Crowley Independent School District Board of Trustees are held on the last Thursday of each month. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Charleston in 1980. After earning her Gifted and Talented Endorsement from Texas Woman’s University, she taught TAG for ten years. The Census Bureau found that 30.3 percent of county residents aged 25 years and older had attained a bachelor's degree, compared to 27.6 percent of all state residents.

He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. Minor and his wife, Michelle, have lived in Burleson their entire lives and graduated from Burleson High School.

The table below separates the district's expenditures into five categories identified by the agency: Term is three years.

When Minor is not working or in board meetings, he likes to golf, snow ski, spend time in the pool with the family and watch his children play sports.Andy Pickens is Minister of Music at University Baptist Church in Fort Worth. Minor received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Tarleton State University. Recently, she was instrumental in creating a renewed interest in the redevelopment of the historic district of Burleson, where she renovated a number of the 100 year old buildings central to the core historic business center.

Trustees are not paid but receive compensation for travel expenses and conference fees associated with district business.Members of the board of trustees are elected to three-year terms on a staggered basis.

She believes that her 33 year career as an educator equipped her to serve the district, the children and the educators of BISD more effectively.

Norwood Distinguished Alumni Award by the Burleson Ex Students Association.

The Worrells are active members of First Baptist Church of Crowley where she teaches an adult ladies’ Sunday School class and serves as the Women’s Ministry leader. He is also a member of the Briaroaks Fire Department.Shawn Minor is the National Accounts Director for Sprint. They are members of the St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Burleson and volunteers at the Presbyterian Night Shelter in Fort Worth. Crowley ISD: © COPYRIGHT 2015. From 1993 to 2013, the Crowley Independent School District had The table below separates the district's revenue into the three sources identified by the agency: local, state, and federal. Mia Hall Board Vice President Place 3 Term Ends 2018 817-966-7399 mia.hall@crowley.k12.tx.us. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.