Pioneer healing women used traditional remedies and laxatives, The reliance on homeopathic remedies continued as trained nurses and doctors became more common among the pioneer communities in the early part of the 20th century.The Lethbridge Nursing Mission in Alberta was a representative Canadian voluntary mission. Many officials believed language assimilation by children would be the key to Canadianization. The Social Credit movement in Alberta found its leader in 1932 when Aberhart read his first Social Credit tract; it became a political party in 1935 and burned like a prairie fire.

Comprising a number of mainstream denominational groups and at one time numbering over five thousand members, the societies actively sought to "Christianize and Canadianize" the substantial numbers of Ukrainian immigrants who settled in the province.

From 1900 to 1930, the government faced the formidable task of transforming the ethnically and linguistically diverse immigrant population into loyal and true Canadians. Plains bands could often congregate into large, pan-tribal hunting or war parties, especially once horses were available, due to the abundant supply of bison for food and the open, easily traversed landscape.

6 It is believed that at least some parts of the Great Plains were depopulated by a prolonged period of the drought during the The smallest unit of organization for both Plains and Subarctic people was what the European-Canadian explorers called a "lodge".

Few became church members after the revival was over, however. The laws were repealed in 1926.The Catholic archbishop of Edmonton, Henry Joseph O'Leary affected the city's Catholic sectors considerably, and his efforts reflect many of the challenges facing the Catholic Church at that time. Drawn by cheap farm land and high wheat prices, immigration reached record levels, and the population reached 470,000 by 1914.

Reduced grain production in Europe and increased grain production in the Prairie Provinces also encouraged the export of capital from London.

Alberta continued this model after the province was established.

The industry's face is constantly changing in an effort to draw people inside; Edmonton's cinemas have moved with the retail industry from the downtown core to the suburban shopping malls, and are now experimenting with new formats similar to retailers' big boxes.

From the northeast the Iron Confederacy (mostly Cree and Assiniboine but also Stoney, Saulteaux and others) were losing their position as middlemen traders as the HBC and the The first European to reach Alberta was likely a Frenchman such as The first written account of present-day Alberta comes to us from the fur trader The economic struggle represented by the fur trade was paralleled by a spiritual struggle between rival Christian churches hoping to win converts among the native Indians.

In 1908, the Central Methodist Church hosted American evangelicals H. L. Gale and J. W. Hatch.

English-language usage in playground games often proved an effective device, and was systematically used. In 1886, the Cowdry brothers (Nathaniel and John) opened a private bank at After a dramatic economic boom during the First World War, a sharp, short depression hit Alberta in 1920–22.

However, there was opposition to the direct method of English teaching from some immigrant spokesmen. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page.

The cottage meetings that followed the revival typically took place in middle-class homes.Prohibition of alcoholic drinks was a major political issue, pitting the Anglophone Protestants against most ethnic groups.