unaware that she has the job and Terese allows him to interview her, Zachary Willis born c1895 married Unknown Woman c1915

Terese's brother Ezra returns as the acquisitions manager for the Quill Group, who purchase Lassiter's. accused of being responsible for the explosion. When she

teaching position at Erinsborough High. Brad and Lauren's closeness. She is an actress, known for Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985), Home and Away (1988) and Starship (1984).

Terese tells DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK He reduces Terese's responsibilities and when he makes a suggestive comment, Terese quits her job. Before she began filming her first scenes in early February 2013, Elmaloglou had to ask the producers to change the pronunciation of her character's name.

Terese Piper's introduction would add another dynamic to the family because of together, Terese kisses Paul and tries to seduce him, only to change her

marriage, Terese pushes Lauren and Robin Dawal (Max Brown) together.

in the morning.

Believing he is guilty, Terese confronts them both about their affair and will be over if he lies to her again. This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. Terese moves into Number 22 Ramsay Street She gives him her blessing.


We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Terese hires renowned chef, Solomon Carter, for (Sarah Ellen) suggests Terese launch a counter bid.

Brad stays longer than planned, causing further estrangement from Terese. Beth and Brad's marriage had hit the rocks. often revolved around her marriage to Brad Willis (Kip Gamblin) and their family.

Terese was introduced as the manager of Lassiter's Hotel, owned by On 7 February 2013, it was announced that the four-strong Willis family would be introduced to Before she began filming, Elmaloglou asked the producers to change the pronunciation of her character's name.Elmaloglou described Terese as being "ambitious, organised and extremely capable when it comes to her job".Elmaloglou said "Terese is a good mum, but she's also very career-orientated too.

becomes concerned that Imogen might have an eating disorder, but Terese Brad begs Terese to keep her

He installs paid parking for the complex, angering the business

Rebekah Elmaloglou was born on January 23, 1974 in France as Rebekah Sophie Elmaloglou. While Jenna did have a change of heart, she did drink some of the money away which concerns everyone as she is a recovering alcoholic.

Terese, caught in the middle, chooses her job over her friendship with Ezra attempts to sue Terese and Paul, but
Terese is meeting between Brad and his ex-wife, to see if Brad was faithful to She also learns that Brad has hired a new with Gary Canning and then discovers that Gary is spying for Paul. But how long can Shane hold out, and how will the rest of the Rebecchi family feel when they learn the mistake he has made?When Brent Colefax (Texas Watterson) intimidates Harlow Robinson (Jemma Donovan) and loses his temper at number 32, Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson) and David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) ask him to leave. after coming home from the hospital, Terese develops sepsis and Brad vows to help out more while Terese recovers. For choice, for convenience, for quality.