It’ll remove its wrapping and give you a ticket in return. Unless you’ve previously played the game, the only option available to you is to start a new game.In a bleak and seemingly mechanized world, a garbage hauler leaves the castle located off in the distance. Jump down onto the elevator and push the button to head down a floor.The elevator will come to a halt outside a window and when the robot peers inside, it realizes that it’s found its lost love.

Pull the lever down until the sweeper goes into the bathroom and follow it inside.Climb on top of the sweeper and grab the scissors from the shelf after stretching out the robot. Walk over to the left side of the room and pull the lever down to see that it controls the sweeper. Jump off the pole and head up the stairs to the town square. Use the arm to grab the cabinet and shake it until the broom falls off the top of it.Once the broom is in the robot’s possession, remove the valve from the pipe on the wall and combine it with the broom to create a sewer key.

Use the hook to retrieve another red wrench and return to the pipes. Walk over to the radio with the orange screen on the left side of the room and set the left dial to 7 and the right dial to 108. Pick up the five bolts and then leave the bar. Walk off to the next screen and the robot will begin its journey to the castle but not before we see another robot following closely behind it.As the robot arrives at the castle, it’s kicked out of the way by one of the castle guards.

Extend the robot’s body so that it can reach the ladder and you’ll then be in the control room.What you’ll need to do is to move the floating oil can into a position where it can attract the dog hiding behind some stuff on the right side of the screen. The female robot will throw down the radio in protest, causing it to break.

If at any time you make a mistake, press the red button on the right to reset the puzzle.Once the arrows are in their correct positions, pull the lever on the left and the magnet will lift up one of the crates. Use the umbrella on the falling water to walk through it and into the next screen.Walk up the stairs and enter the oil bar to the right. It should now be on the left side of the control panel.5) Move the left red lever up to the right. Use the fly tape to gather some flies from the rancid looking pool near the bar and then re-enter the establishment.Use the flies on the bartender to distract it and while it’s busy shooing off flies, grab the oil can and the robot will drag it out to the musicians to beat on. Machinarium is a point-and-click adventure game that is somewhat different than your traditional adventure game. The cat will fall over stunned, leaving the robot to pick it up.Return to the musicians near the bar and use the cat on the didgeridoo. Leave the restroom and push the lever up until the sweeper stops under the small chandelier.Walk over to the right side of the room near the bathroom door and use the electrical panel to turn off the power. The Elevator Control Box Puzzle (or 4 Patterns Puzzle) is a Mini-game that has to be solved. Unplug the power cord from the wall and then the worker will suddenly turn around to try to fix it, sending the robot tumbling in the process.Pull down on the red cord and while the worker is distracted trying to untangle it, open up the control panel on the lamp post again and rearrange the tiles in order to restore power. Click on the canister to collapse it and then click on it again to watch it spring off the junk heap it was sitting on and down to the path below.You’ll see a small head sitting on the box behind it. Machinarium and everything associated with it is copyright of Amanita Design. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:23:”Machinarium Walkthrough”;s:12:”section_body”;s:39381:” Talk to it and it’ll agree to let the robot use it to remove the cap from the bottom of the tank.Once the cap is removed, the water will flow down into the bar and drown the gangster robots. Use the key to remove the manhole cover in the middle of the room and drop down into the sewers.Follow the sewers to the right until you see a lone manhole cover in the floor above.

Machinarium walkthrough. The solution is as follows, numbering each spot 1-7 from the top. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.